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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Circulation problems?? Anyone else?


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It's is cold weather outside, but I woke up this morning with my left foot ice coke and my right one was ok. There is a pulse in it, not discolored or swollen or anything, just cold. I put both my feet in warm water which helped but now it's back to being cold. No pain, just cold. Could this be withdrawal or has it happened to anyone else?
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Yes! it's happening to me as well. Sometimes I'm just lied in bed and my arm is totally slept! Or the leg... and I'm in a normal position! This hadn't happened to me before, or at least that usual or huge. I suppose is a normal W/D effect...
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I have Reynauds and benzos made it worse. One night I woke up with my finger aching and swollen, with a red mark on it, like a blood vessel burst. Benzos can effect circulation, not across the board, as everyone is different.
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I have Reynauds and benzos made it worse. One night I woke up with my finger aching and swollen, with a red mark on it, like a blood vessel burst. Benzos can effect circulation, not across the board, how're as everyone is different.


I think they must affect circulation, or I wouldn't be wearing two sweaters now. And still cold. Bets

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Thanks for the replies everyone. What is dependence withdrawal? I have not cut down in a while due to personal stresses and frankly just scared to.
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I'm winging it. Dependence withdrawal is when the drug stops working at the current dose. You need more to get the same effect, and you start getting withdrawal symptoms.
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