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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Only took 3 0.5mg Ativan and a little valerian


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I took Ativan a few years ago to help with sleep with no problems.  I think I began with a 0.5mg pill that I cut in half after I didn't like how the full pill felt.  And had no problems not taking it then.


I just picked up a new Rx and took it this past week because I'd taken a few partial pills of my old Rx here and there.  And I learned quickly that the new Rx is definitely stronger.  I took about 3 0.5mg pills over 3 nights (Tues, Wed, Fri).  Had a break of one night in the 3.  I took maybe 400-600 mg of Valerian root on my night off from Ativan because I genuinely thought Ativan was out of my system.  I also took maybe 400mg of Valerian root on one night I took maybe 3/4 of a 0.5mg Ativan because I'd forgotten I'd taken the Valerian Root.  It's been 60-ish hours since I've had any Ativan and I think I'm experiencing withdrawl symptoms which I never expected!  and most medical professionals don't believe me.  Can't stop going to the bathroom, feelings in my chest, anxiety, not sleeping despite only sleeping 8 hours in the 2 nights previous.  I'm a small to average build female.  How long will this last?  Any advice?


***update***It's been almost over a week since I took an Ativan.  The first 2 nights I got like 4-ish hours of sleep then the next 2-3 nights I got much better sleep. I also had other symptoms like belly troubles, feeling out of it, rebound anxiety etc.  Then one night I barely slept at all!  Slept a little after my baby nursed to sleep and then didn't fall asleep until maybe 515a and woke up just before 6a.  The anxiety most of that day was pretty bad.  The following two nights I've slept nearly fine.  I'm assuming this is still withdrawl?  And my ears are ringing pretty bad that day.  I can't take these things anymore because for the few that I took my baby barely pooped at all and I've noticed the past few days she is much clingier about sleep and wakes up when being put down which she didn't used to mind.  I did end up trying some kind of non-valerian herbal mix one night - not much compared to what the bottle said and then after I couldn't fall back to sleep I read on a thread on here that even other herbal things can affect this.  I also contacted my thyroid dr since I do take meds for that and I did test high a few months ago but have tested low since then.  How much longer will this last?  I can't believe what some of you have been through.....


Still having rebound anxiety espeically in the morning.  Any idea how long it might last?  Looking for some support and advice on this.  Thanks!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi tinker,

Sorry for the late reply, just found your thread.

Benzos are serious buisness, its all about how they affect Gabaa receptors in our

brain, nothing to do with out of the system. If i were you, i would push through

and never touch a Ativan-pill again.


here is an explaination about the brain.



this explains the anxiety sx (symptom).



i wish you well , a speedy recovery and a Benzo-free life. :)


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