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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Sheer Terror!!!!


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I have had feelings of sheer terror for the last 3 days, this morning I woke up and the terror was at an all time high.  It was so intense I couldn't stop moving around, my stomach was churning.  I have never had this sensation after a cut, this will be day 6 of my cut.  I'm doing a slow taper.  I did not do a big cut only 2.80%.  I'm fear something is SERIOUSLY wrong.  This feeling is so intense makes me scared to leave my bed. 


HELP!  does anyone have this issue.  Please help!





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your gonna be ok


Some times the body over acts to a cut, you are in a state of panic and it will go away, you only have soo much adrenaline before it kicks off. Lay down, put a cool rag on your head or take a hot bath and keep telling yourself, this is the drug it is NOT my health, this will pass

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Hi trying2beme,

I'm sorry no one has come by. I too have been up since 2 am..it's only 10:16am

I sit in bed with my dog as my husband sleeps In other room,

I take valium, no experience with K..I did take ativan for 13 yrs..I still think I'm having Wds from it.

I get the terrors too. I wake to panic, fears, crying...a dreadful feeling. I don't know how common it is, but it's the worst feeling, I know. I pray, deep breathe, try to watch tv, call someone...

Do you have someone with you? I ask my spouse to hold me sometimes..he doesn't always, so I hold my dog. It passes, but it can be hours. I get this cut or no cut.

Maybe it will pass too as your body gets use to the cut. I'm so sorry, i have posted many times during an attack also..like everyday...ppl assure me its wds and to tell yourself it's the med, it will pass.

But it is no comfort when you are going thru it.

I wish I could say more...But keep,posting, others may have more suggestions..

Like I said, I have this every morning, I too pray it's temporary.

Maybe post on the Klonipin thread too..sending you a hug, and hang on too.

Hope others come by also..

Hugs. Rose :smitten:

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Rose gal,


I live alone and this has never happened before.  I've never been so scared in my life.  Like any minute something bad is going to happen. 



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I will try that.  I live alone and I have never felt such intense fear in my life.  I've never had this response to any prior cuts.  It's horrible.


Thank you for replying.



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sorry trying2bme.. it's all part of the proccess, you've got to hang on tight. i feel sorry that you're alone going through this alone but you can do it.. we all have that intense fair. my god i had it so bad i couldn't even open my eyes and look around the room, but it does pass and you'll make it.. try to call a friend or stay on the computer or maybe hot showers, i had a lot of those.. you'll make it..
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T2beme, alone is really difficult in wd I've found. My husband avoids me, bad time for us right now. I'm 62, my son lives farther. No other family but sister, I call her every morning and she talks calm to me, or I post on bb. Someone always keeps me company and replies.

Morning cortisol hormone is higher too. So that adds to the panicky feelings. I'm still in pjs and watching a movie..I'm calm, but wasn't a bit ago. I'm alone really too. It's hard, but just keep reaching out..call someone who can just listrn maybe?

This sucks I know, try to know that they say we will get past this...I try to calm myself that this will pass. Not sure if you want a warm bath right now, but they may help. Some tea, or cocoa...?

Sometimes I do what another buddy says here...just play the clock game...try to get thru 15 min...then. Try a half hr...just keep trying to simply get thru a short time period, then try again..

I pray this passes gal, I understand,


Sending you a hug,


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You are having a panic attack. The feeing of doom, something horrible is about to happen, adrenaline surging, etc. It's a terrible feeling, a very scary feeling.


There is nothing to do but ride it out, the more you fight it, the worse it'll get. I know it's easier said than done, but if you could just let yourself feel it and embrace it, it won't have as much pull on you. It's counterintuitive, but that's how it works. Panic attacks are like quicksand, the more you fight it, the deeper you sink. But if you spread your arms and legs out, and embrace it, you can roll out of it.


I had a really bad one many years ago, what helped me is to grab a tall cold glass of water, and drink the whole thing. By doing that it forces me to breathe more evenly and also feels like I am doing something about it. Whatever you do, just don't try to fight it.

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Just remember, the fact that you feel like you are losing your mind, means you still got it. By the way, are you staying hydrated? Make sure that you are. I read that dehydration can bring them on as well.


Also, not that this will make your experience any less horrific, but read this (I think you'll find the description very similar to what you are going through): http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/panic-disorder-when-fear-overwhelms/index.shtml



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Yes the terror feeling is a HUGE part of withdrawal.Before I knew what was causing that feeling I had been taking 1mg doses of Lorazapam here and there(I never abused them or took them more then 7 days In a row)for several years,and couldn't understand why I was getting so much terrifying anxiety day and night between doses,that was worse then the anxiety I had pre-benzo.I never figured it out until reading about benzos online that even as needed use can trigger interdose withdrawal symptoms.When my dad died 3yrs.ago I took them for about a week everyday while he was in the hospital,then I crashed,having the worst terror feelings that lasted all day,and made sleeping so awful,i woke up constantly with this adrenaline rush that I always thought I was dying.I would shake,get tremors,big blood pressure surges,couldnt handle any stressful thoughts,and I had a hard time functioning during the day,just doing normal chores,cooking and so on.I spent a lot of time crying,and thinking I was going to die,while trying to keep doing what I needed to do because I had to.I prayed a lot.I want you to know that is does get better,but it will be slow.Im 7 months off now,and im still having some bad waves of anxiety,and dizziness,but not near the terror feelings I had before.Dont give up,if you can,use a small pocket calendar,write down your stop date,and mark off each month you are benzo free.Thats what I do,and ive also started to write a few notes each day on there,saying if I was having a really bad day,or better day,and my symptoms.It helps to look and see how far you've come and that some symptoms are getting better or hopefully gone.Something about seeing the next month on the calendar that says you've made it another month benzo free is so encouraging!
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I am sorry you are going through this. You will be ok.


I echo the not fighting it part, as impossible as that may seem. It's possible. When this happens to me, I actually say out loud, this is terror, this is what terror feels like, terror is here now but it won't last, I am safe, I am safe, I am safe.


That is the best thing I can do. I hug my pillow, I may rock myself.


I've used an ice pack for many things, including after a panic attack. I put it on the soles of my feet. Panic makes me come ungrounded. The cold on the bottom of my feet let me know where my feet are. Then I put my feet on the ground, reminding myself that there is solid earth beneath me. The earth will support me.


This may sound very far fetched, but it may help. Practice saying I am safe, when you aren't in terror, so the words come more quickly when you are. I have a notepad by my bed, a cheat sheet of sorts, inspirational quotes. I don't know what I'd do without it.

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I appreciate the suggestions.  You are right it seems impossible to embrace it, LDR suggested the same thing.  It's horrible and everyday it's something else.  I need to stick positive quotes where I can see them.  Right now everything so hopeless, like my life i knew is completely gone.  I don't know who I am, and it terrifies me.



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Well, I don't know that I or any of us can EMBRACE it (the terror, the suffering) but we can ACKNOWLEDGE it. Someone on BB has a motto, when you're going through hell, keep going. You will make it through. Believe that others have been where you are at and are coming out of hell.



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I can't say I've gone through what you are going through, but I know terror very well as I grew up in an very abusive household. So I know just how scary it can be. I think the other posters gave you good advice: roll with the punches and not fight it. This horrible thing cannot be permanent. It just may go away after a week or so. Last week I developed a very bad sinus condition.  I could not stop from coughing, and every time I coughed my  eyes kept stinging. And no matter which nasal pray I used, I could not breath through my nose, thus I could not sleep. But you know what? After a week it just disappeared like magic. I'm hoping the same will happen to you. Take care and hang tough, hugs, Bets

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I will try it.  Feel like I am losing my mind.  Totally losing it. 




As I said here yesterday, people who think that they are going insane are not. Only people who feel the rest of the world is crazy except for them, then they are crazy. Call them 5150. fwiw, I have now unblocked my PM system. So everybody, feel free to PM me anytime at all! Bets

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I tried to PM you it said "user blocked".


I'll ticket the moderators about this. Try again in a while.  Sorry. It must be a computer glitch. Bets

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T2beme, alone is really difficult in wd I've found. My husband avoids me, bad time for us right now. I'm 62, my son lives farther. No other family but sister, I call her every morning and she talks calm to me, or I post on bb. Someone always keeps me company and replies.

Morning cortisol hormone is higher too. So that adds to the panicky feelings. I'm still in pjs and watching a movie..I'm calm, but wasn't a bit ago. I'm alone really too. It's hard, but just keep reaching out..call someone who can just listrn maybe?

This sucks I know, try to know that they say we will get past this...I try to calm myself that this will pass. Not sure if you want a warm bath right now, but they may help. Some tea, or cocoa...?

Sometimes I do what another buddy says here...just play the clock game...try to get thru 15 min...then. Try a half hr...just keep trying to simply get thru a short time period, then try again..

I pray this passes gal, I understand,


Sending you a hug,





Off topic here. I have now unblocked my PM system, so you and everybody else can send me a PM, so feel free to do so. However, a few people just tried to send me one and it said, user blocked. That's means there is a computer glitch. As me and the BB Team wrote to each other about unblocking my system and they said it should be working now, but it isn't. I just ticketed the moderators about this and waiting to hear back from them. I never did trust this OS anyway.  So you may want to wait a while, that is, if you care to send me one. :smitten: :smitten: Bets

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Ok Bets- I thought you just had me blocked, kidding...


Ruby,  sometimes I get light headed and dizzy, mostly I'm frozen in fear and sit on the edge of my bed rocking.  My heart is always racing during these times.

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