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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Healing during Taper


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Here's my take. And my take only. Healing can't start without coming off the benzo, so the fact that I'm tapering means I'm on my way. Symptoms of withdrawal are the knee jerk response of the brain for not-yet-ready-for-prime time functioning. With every cut of my taper, I feel the deficit. I know my brain is recovering because there are signs, windows. And even when I feel crappy, as long as I'm tapering, healing is possible. I take great comfort from all the buddies that share their progress and stories of success.
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I wonder the same thing myself.  I would think it's both though. My memory is better the lower I get & my anxiety has completely disappeared since I've been under 3 mgs (1 year). 


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I do think that I am already healing, in a sense wd sx are awful but different of what I was having before starting my taper. The possitive things now are that I am much more similar to what I was when on 2 mg Rivotril, clearer mind, more emotional, libido is a bit better, The ability to cry and laugh are coming back. :)
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I think once I got down halfway, I got a lot back, so healing does occur while tapering.


fwiw, My PM system in now unblocked. So anybody, feel free to PM me any time at all!

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From my experience, it does seem like there's healing going on while tapering, especially since I've gotten down to the lower doses. Recently I've been having longer and more frequent windows where I feel almost like my normal pre-benzo self.


Although I'm really not a new-agey type, I've been practicing yoga nidra for the past month or so for about 1/2 hour per night. And when they say to repeat your "sankulpa" (intention) to yourself 3x, I always say to myself, "I am healing." It may sound wacky, but I think it's had some positive effect. If interested, just go on YouTube and type in "yoga nidra" -- there are many clips, some better than others. If nothing else, it's great for relieving anxiety, very calming!

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I do think that I am already healing, in a sense wd sx are awful but different of what I was having before starting my taper. The possitive things now are that I am much more similar to what I was when on 2 mg Rivotril, clearer mind, more emotional, libido is a bit better, The ability to cry and laugh are coming back. :)

I cry more for sure, but I'm in too deep of depression to laugh. Don't remember the last time I laughed.

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I believe we heal during our taper - from reading others experiences the ones who CT seem to suffer the worst and longest. Saying that I am still scared of the jump - I did CT prior to taper and it was brutal, the thought that I have spent months patiently cutting and tapering to possibly experience the same horror of after CT is a thought I just can't face.


I hope we heal, I believe we heal, we will be OK fellow buddies!

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shirah = I am looking for a good yoga nidra to practice at home.  I practice sometimes in a studio.  I have tried a few on youtube but haven't like them as much.  Which one do you use that you find relaxing?



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