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I can't even stretch my muscles!!


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I'm trying to be proactive to help my muscles, everything hurts in my legs , neck and back. It's a burning, bruising kind of feeling. It's horrible. I try end to do some yoga and gentle stretches and it just feels like my muscles are going to break, they are weak and rigid. When I stretch, I get a horrible burning feeling. Please tell me I'm not alone!anybody feel this way?
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Your not alone! I haven't been able to smile or talk for 4 days bc of muscle pain and spasms in my face and jaw. I don't know what to do either.  :'(



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Yes I am feeling this same way. I've been feeling this kind of physical pain since January 2014. It came on all of a sudden.

The pain began as sharp left side pain and weakness. Then came sharp shooting shocks in my spine. Every muscle ached. I'vehad many many tests which are all ok.

It's very scary I know. Frightening.  Like it's never going to end.

I take hot baths with Epsom salts, hot water bottles. It is soooo hard to walk or stretch but on the days that it is a little bit easier for you,  try and take a short easy walk. Members here have told me its withdrawal and unfortunately I have to go through this. Hopefully one day it will be better for us.

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