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Taking NSAIDs


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Hi everyone,


Sorry to be so obsessive with this topic, but I have an ear infection and am in massive amounts of pain. I'm getting to the point where I'll have to take something for it because I just can't stand it anymore.


If I have a reaction to either Tylenol or Ibuprofen, how long would it last? I'm in terrible pain but am just freaked out about taking anything for it.


I took ibuprofen once during acute withdrawal (or maybe a little bit after), and it turned out mostly okay, but it sent me into a (bearable, yet very unpleasant) wave of depression for a couple hours.


Do you think it would be okay to take now that I'm feeling asymptomatic? I'm just concerned about having a reaction because I'm 5000 miles away from home on a study abroad trip in Germany.


Thanks! :)


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