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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

WANTED: protocols for withdrawing from benzodiazepines, not diazepam !


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Since I have been having great difficulty withdrawing from clonazepam and diazepam would be very hard to tolerate, I´m looking for protocols, guidelines or tapering schedules that use a different benzodiazepine or substance. Whether this is supported on the forum doesn´t matter !


I really haven´t been able to find anything, and even the protocols utilizing Librium are for alcohol withdrawal !


I´m having some issues with my doc so it really would be very nice, possibly necessary to have some real source material. I haven´t been able to find anything locally.


Librium would be an option, even a somewhat traditional one. The downside with Librium is that the drug accumulates in fatty tissues, which is actually part of the therapeutic function. This has some disadvantages, in particular less flexibility regarding tapering.

What other benzos are used for tapering, preferably ones that are not diazepam or Librium- like in the sense that they accumulate in fatty tissues and require a very lengthy taper by definition ?

Perhaps oxazepam ? Has anyone ever used clobazam ?


This drug is making me ill, and a different benzo would just be a different toxin although possibly a lesser evil. I´d prefer a short (few months) taper over a long one. Basically, I´m looking for an option besides cold turkey.


And my background is that I´m physically dependent and have been so for many years.

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I don't know where you live but tranxene is a longer acting benzo that I've heard others withdraw from.  It's not available in the United States my doctor told me.  I would double check that.


I'm sorry that your suffering.  I just said a prayer for you.



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