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Does anyone ever feel like they are going unconscious


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I get these spells where I feel like I will pass out and everything g is spinning.

I get really sweaty and out of it and feel nausea and so confused.


Has anyone else felt like they were going unconscious

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Yes, i had that.  For me it helps when i eat something at that point ( my blood sugar drops), and i try to lie down.  Also, i put an icepack on my neck, it helps to syop the sweats
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Today, I seem to have had depersonalization for the first time.  What a nightmare that was.  I was starting to wonder if I was going to pass out from it....
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That happened to me last week everything got black and I couldn't hardly hear anyhng.  I had to sit on the floor until it passed it was horrific.  I thought it was going to happen yesterday but it didn't thank goodness.


I'm praying for you!


God bless you,


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Thanks to everyone for letting me know this happened to you as well.

I was just at the hospital for this and the dr said likely I had a virus but also validated that I was in bad withdrawal and should up dose a bit.

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I get these spells where I feel like I will pass out and everything g is spinning.

I get really sweaty and out of it and feel nausea and so confused.


Has anyone else felt like they were going unconscious


I'd like to be, until this whole horrible matter has resolved itself. I want to be put on an anesthesia IV.

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