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Has a anyone taken a decongestant with no problem?  I'm 14 months off.  I'm suffering terribly with sinus pain.  I took one of my migraine pills yesterday which does knock it up, but the pill knocked me out too.  I use to could take them without any issues.


Is anyone else have chronic sinus pain?



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Yes I do..Not sure if it is from w/d or just my normal sinus stuff. It is worse then normal however..


I have taken Sudafed w/o it kicking up my w/d sx. I actually get a paradoxal reaction to decongestants as they make me tired! I think it kills my adrenal system but it does help with the sinus pain. I am having a rough time with migraine/sinus issues right now and it is driving me crazy!

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Thank you for your response betterdays.  I took one decongestant today and it made me tired too.  I would hate to see me if I took two, the normal dosage. I took the pseudoephedrine.  It is weird that my migraine med will knock it out, the pain that is coming from behind my nose.


Hope yours gets better soon.  It certainly is debilitating. 

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