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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

like a fool i believed the doctor


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After a protracted period of stress, in 20012 my g.p. advised I take diazepam  for post traumatic stress. I pointed out that 40 years ago I was given this  drug for post-natal depression and got stuck on it for 10 years. So I did not want to go down that route again. He said that the dose he was prescribing of 2mg WOULD NOT cause me any problems as it was so mild and would just take the edge off my anxiety, assuring me that taking it for a few months meant I wouldn't become dependant. I trusted his word and took the 2mg dose for 20 months, coming off over 3 weeks in December 2013. So it is now almost 11 months off, during which time the withdrawal symptoms have been horrendous. I have been encouraged by the stories on your site and would like to have contact with others off a similar time to myself for reassurance in this difficult time.
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Hello racksha :hug:


Welcome to benzobuddies


We are glad you found us, I am sorry you experienced such a rapid taper. Benzodiazepines should be tapered slowly. Did you not taper the first time round, after 10 years.?  Withdrawal symptoms can take quite some time to settle down, they will go eventually. The central nervous system has taken a knock and it will take a while to reset.


The Ashton Manual is a very good resource for information about withdrawal.  It will give you information about the recovery process. I will put a link to it: : Professor Ashtons Manual


Congratulations on being benzo free. Please feel free to ask questions, we have many supportive and kind members here who will support you and give sound advice. Feel free to check out the forum and post to any of our dedicated threads.



Here is a link to our Post withdrawal recovery support.


Check out some success stories, it does get better. Success Stories


If you would be so kind as to add a signature (history of meds/doses etc) it will help members give you relevant advice this link will show you how to Create a signature


Welcome aboard It will get better




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Hi racksha,


I am tapering down from Clonazepam.  I was feeling good in the last three days.  I am at 0.3125 mg once a day in the morning.  By mistake I took another dose in the evening, at 0.4375 mg.  I feel good, so I skip one day.  I thought I was free from the clutches of Clonazepam.  I am at the bottom again of my roller coaster ride in this tapering.


Sometimes I have no other means to cope with withdrawal symptoms, and I go to this site, to express what I feel. 


You are 11 months away from your last dose.  Maybe one day your agony will subside and will slowly disappear. 


I am a little bit worried knowing that withdrawal symptoms will keep coming back even after many months.


I hope your condition will improve as days go by. 






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  • 3 years later...

After a protracted period of stress, in 20012 my g.p. advised I take diazepam  for post traumatic stress. I pointed out that 40 years ago I was given this  drug for post-natal depression and got stuck on it for 10 years. So I did not want to go down that route again. He said that the dose he was prescribing of 2mg WOULD NOT cause me any problems as it was so mild and would just take the edge off my anxiety, assuring me that taking it for a few months meant I wouldn't become dependant. I trusted his word and took the 2mg dose for 20 months, coming off over 3 weeks in December 2013. So it is now almost 11 months off, during which time the withdrawal symptoms have been horrendous. I have been encouraged by the stories on your site and would like to have contact with others off a similar time to myself for reassurance in this difficult time.


Hi racksha,


I was wanting to see your benzo history and after reading your introductory post I have a question....What was your dose when you first began taking Valium....now over 40 years ago? It is clear you kindled by taking benzos again....even though a whopping 40 years later. WOW!


And your doctor said it would be fine at a low dose....just 2 mg. This is sad....I'm sorry you have suffered so much from these drugs. Sure hope you see better days soon in 2018. :)


Wish there was more studies on these drugs. Never will happen...too much money needed for a study and no monetary gain to be projected from such an undertaking.

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