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I haven't posted for a while but I just need support right now. Can't sleep, can't eat, can't do anything.  I have lost everything and these damn drugs are destroying the one relationship I have left.  I have come off of both klonopin and temazepam during the last year and I can't sleep at all.  I have had a terrible time of it and recently started to lose my ability to remember anything I read. 


I am on anantpsychotic (zyprexa) and an antidepressant (doxepin) and I get very little in the way of rest at night.  Spend most of the night tossing and turning.  When will my debt be paid so I can get some much needed rest?  It really is a psychiatric nightmare.  I think that these sedatives destroy our ability of have a sleep cycle which is a very high price to pay for trying to sleep.  I don't know if it is permanent, but I think that the doctors are way to ready to give this sh.. out.  It clearly says that one should not take these drugs long term, but then they just keep refilling the scripts. 


I am very bitter about all of this and wish I had something to live for, but finding that something is a real challenge.  The drugs have ruined my family, destroyed my career and may inevitably leave me homeless in the long run.  I don't have much left and I don't know how long I can go on. How to get off this crap is a challenge I hope I can handle.  I have been on every drug in the book and none of the work for long.  Be very wary of medication for sleep.  It is a slippery slope!



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Hi Ken,


So you're not on Seroquel any longer?  If you didn't have insomnia before you went on benzodiazepines you probably won't have it once you've recovered from taking these medications.  It takes quite some time for the nervous system to recover and be able to perform all the jobs benzos did while we were taking them.  They are sedating drugs and our bodies have temporarily lost the ability to calm themselves naturally.


When you get a chance could you update your signature to show where you are now?



Challis  :)

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