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Is it hard for you to figure stuff out--example--is this Cog Fog?


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Tonight I received a packet from Social Security, yes I'm applying for benefits, it seemed really hard to figure out.


I can read and express myself articulately enough, but boy when something stressful like this, comes along, it just seems really really hard to follow.  Is this the infamous "Cog Fog"?


sometimes my brain clears up for a while and things get better, but man sometimes it's tough.


Speak to me about this please..

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One choice is to fill it out in stages. You can begin to do so when you feel more mentally clear. Or is there anyone around that can help you? I know when I called SSI in D.C. (there is no separate # for SSDI~~it's all in one building) there was a computer generated voice that gets you through the prompts, with annoyance. But it got me to a live SSDI person, after listening to a lot of crap you don't want to hear at this point. I think that might be your best bet. Call 1-800-772-1213 between 7 am and 7 pm. And make sure not to call in the morning, as that's when you are at your worst. And yes, a classic case of cog fog.

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I do! I have a hard time even figuring out how to do a dry cut taper even with all the information on this forum I just cannot get the calculations correct; I need a coach or something. To make things worse I work in banking and analyze large excel files all day. Talk about mentally draining. Don't even get me started on my taxes..
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I do! I have a hard time even figuring out how to do a dry cut taper even with all the information on this forum I just cannot get the calculations correct; I need a coach or something. To make things worse I work in banking and analyze large excel files all day. Talk about mentally draining. Don't even get me started on my taxes..


So, how are your taxes?  :laugh:

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