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Messed up at work badly AGAIN


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Mistook one client for a different one.......That had no right to happen. It's a quite serious business too (law-related), not just a silly shop customer mistake. My boss will probably find out tomorrow. Sometimes my mind just get so blank and I do stupid things. I'm not even tapering or anything so not sure if I can post here but really had to get it off my chest. I feel so stupid.
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imacat, I just posted in my progress log about trying to fix something I screwed up at work. Actually, I've posted that more than once.


If you know you made a mistake before your boss has found it, can you approach him/her and just be honest? I don't mean be honest about benzo withdrawal, but just let them know you made an error and you'd like to correct it?


Please don't call yourself stupid. I've done that to myself too much the past few months. And it's simply not true.

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Sorry to hear that you've experienced something similar. It's really crazy how it can mess up someone's basic skills, and we are not even aware of it until it's too late.

I chose the coward's way... will spend my day in bed tomorrow with my phone switched off, killing my brain some more and sleeping it off.

Thanks for your post, I feel a little better knowing that I'm not the only one with issues like that.

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Sorry to hear that you've experienced something similar. It's really crazy how it can mess up someone's basic skills, and we are not even aware of it until it's too late.

I chose the coward's way... will spend my day in bed tomorrow with my phone switched off, killing my brain some more and sleeping it off.

Thanks for your post, I feel a little better knowing that I'm not the only one with issues like that.


No, you are not the only one, my friend. I lost two great jobs over the past couple of years. And I had to take a job well below what I used to do because my cognitive skills declined so badly. What should I expect after 30 years of being poly-drugged?


The good news is right now I'm in a partial window. When I get partial windows, my cog fog gets less and my memory improves. Already my memory for spacial skills is much, much better.


Be kind to yourself. This does get better.  :hug:

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Mistook one client for a different one.......That had no right to happen. It's a quite serious business too (law-related), not just a silly shop customer mistake. My boss will probably find out tomorrow. Sometimes my mind just get so blank and I do stupid things. I'm not even tapering or anything so not sure if I can post here but really had to get it off my chest. I feel so stupid.


I am a journalist and covered the Hollywood industry. Getting interviews with top level executives are nearly impossible and every once in a great while someone will agree. That's happy news for my magazine. So I wrote out all of the questions I wanted to ask as to not appear to be stupid. If I sounded ignorant, they would never speak to me again. So I finally waited all day long to make my appointment call and reminded the secretary that I had a phone interview scheduled with the president/CEO of MGM Studios. And she replied, no, you don't have an interview scheduled. I called up my boss and told her what happened and she said, "Betsy, how can you be so stupid? Your interview is scheduled with the president of the Walt Disney Company." Need I say more? :idiot: :idiot:

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I would assume you've lost your girlish figure....


Seriously, though, I was on 5 mgs of Seroquel, for insomnia and in addition to a lot of traz, and gained 25 pounds in the space of a month. There was a lot of alcohol on board as well. So I lost the seroquel. It does dastardly things to the metabolism. Guess you kjow that.


Recently, I've been able to go from 300, to 150, to 75 mgs of traz, on a 2.4 Neurontin 'cushion', and am sleeping fine. THAT part does get better. Peace to you. ;)

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