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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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We all are different in how quickly we can come off a medication. Just like all medications some find it very easy to come off a drug and other have great difficulty. I know when I came off of 800 mg of serequel my doctor wanted me to do a four day taper. This is the same doctor that told me it was ok to stop 8 mg of Ativan cold turkey. I found a four day taper to be ridiculous and way too fast. I had been taking it for 13 years. Luckily I had a cupboard full of the stuff after so many years and did a taper that took about a month. We have a few members here who have tried to taper serequel and have had great difficulty coming off the last 50 mg or so.
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I am taking 300mg to sleep but now I am afraid I will become dependent on it also. I have only been on that dose for two weeks. I am going to try a slow taper.
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