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Not being able to have normal facial expressions?


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Does anyone know what I'm talking about? It's like, I have a general sense of depression/agitation that is overwhelming right now and it's horrible, but I can't even come close to faking it if I wanted to.


It's seemingly impossible to have any face to face interaction because it feels like my face is perpetually frozen in a frown and I can't match what I want to say with the proper/normal facial expressions, body language. It's weird. I can articulate fine on here, but talking, it's a whole other story.

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Yes, I had and have problems with facial expression. At first I could not cry but also the facial expression to cry was not possible. But also for other emotions. That is a bit better now. But my cheeks still feel paralysed and it looks like I had botox. I laugh but only in sound with only minor expression. I also easily chew on my cheeks cause of this.
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