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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Does anyone relate with this?????


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Hi all


I had given up benzos about a year and half ago and had to reinstate in oct 13 cause I just could not deal with the symptoms, I reinstated at 2.5 mg v and though never felt good but was able to function and live some sort of a normal life, travelled socialised and went about doing things normal people did which included ...booze.


I continued to taper and finally got off this shit about 7 weeks ago.


My symptoms from last time through my reinstating and taper have revolved around my digestive system and major major major hypochondriasis.....


Since about 3 weeks or so I am feeling so so so bloody run down fatigued, nauseous and now a new symptom has started that is very very heavy in the head, my sleep is lousy I keep tossing and turning, but this heavy head pain in my temples and generally a feeling of just being disconnected and not well is with me through out the day. I think of how LOUSY I am feeling the whole day, Infact since the last few days I feel so depressed when I am with people I wonder if they can see it on my face, a friend of mine last night told me that I was looking tired, my eyes seem sunken and distant.


I keep pushing myself through the day I try to exercise and go out but it is damn hard, the area about my eyes pain, I feel that I have to keep clearing my throat through out the day..... I do the neti pot but don't know if that is helping....


i am obsessed with the colour of my stool and pee ( courtesy Dr Google )


I keep feeling like having a cup of coffee to help me feel alive


All my symptoms are around the right side of my body....


Does anyone relate with this cause the very thought of reinstating is driving me mad...


Someone please help me please.....


By the way I must have met about 10 Drs who all say this is my anxiety and depression no one says it is physical and ABSOLUTELY NO ONE THINKS OF BENZODIZAPINE WITHDRAWAL.


Lots of love


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Everything you are feeling is related to Benzos. We have all had the same symptoms and nothing is out of the ordinary. It is a long journey to recover from a drug that downregulates our brains and our CNS. You have to believe that everyone on this board can relate with what you are describing. Anyone that you try to explain this to (including doctors) will not be able to understand. It is terrible. Trust me I know. But you have to realize that it does get better. Hang in there!
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By the way, I reinstated myself after I got off for a short period of time and I was just like you. I used benzos and alchohol to get through everyday. It did take away some of the fear aspect and stopped the panic attacks but it gradually got worse and I know I had to get off. Others have been there and done this. They are no different than us. What one person can do, another person can do.
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Sounds an awful lot like WD to me. Those are all part of the journey - truly scary symptoms and it can be so hard to not feel like you are either dying or going crazy  :idiot: trying to deal with it.  Because most of our GABA receptors are in the gut, many of us notice a reeving of symptoms related to how that is functioning. As for the opinion of the doctors, they just don't get it.  I quit trying to get their help a year ago.  I decided that as long as I was having 10 different crazy symptoms at once and still conscious it was WD,  I have quit reading much on the internet except for here. 


Between reinstating in Oct 13 and the alcohol, your central nervous system is pretty confused. Just combing booze with benzo's is a bad choice medically.  If you search the forum on alcohol use in WD I think you will find other members that tried it only to find it only made it worse.  This whole WD thing is such a lonely, difficult process, but unfortunately there are no shortcuts. :(  I have a friend that has major brain damage from an auto accident and he has fought for over 7 years to regain normal functioning.  Sometimes I think it would be easier if our damage had a more obvious explanation. We would blame ourselves less and have much greater outside support.


Don't give up.  :smitten: Decide how badly you want your life and health back, commit your heart to it and then go for it.  I'm sure you can do it and you will get lots of support here.  :thumbsup:

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I am sorry you are feeling so badly. It sounds like you may be suffering from a bit of "kindling". This is where each subsequent withdrawal can be worse than the previous one. I "kindled" horribly after three withdrawals. Alcohol may also be a contributing factor as well. We have quite a few members here who had setbacks as a result of drinking, even in small quantities. As unpleasant and frightening as your symptoms are they will resolve themselves in time. Another reinstatement might even bring on even more difficult symptoms.
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Yes I can relate.  My doctors say your body goes back to normal in 2 months. I gave up on doctors. Im getting some

things checked out just to rule out other things. Nueropathy in feet gi issues ocd type thinking depression are my

main problems.  I did not have ocd before benzos. I did devolope gull stones during this.


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