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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

food sensitivities


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I haven't been sensitive to food at all during my withdrawal. :S But I know that KlonopinKills on YT was sensitive until he turned a corner at Month 6 and was able to eat almost anything. But he said early withdrawal anything other than a fruit smoothie would send him over the edge.
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I'm not exactly sure how this will ultimately play out, but I was having a lot of night sweats toward the end of my Ativan use and shortly after I c/t'd from it.  I was able to link it to the sucralose that I was putting into my evening smoothies, so I stopped doing sucralose-containing foods for many months.  A couple of weeks ago, I mistakenly ate some of my daughters pop cycles - and (you guessed it) - they contained sucralose.  I didn't have a problem.  So maybe that sensitivity was brought on by the benzo, and maybe I'm getting past it.  I haven't replicated the experiment yet.
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three years ago I took advill for three weeks for a tooth that needed a root canal with no problems. now it seems to bother me. There's seems to be a lot of things I avoid, probably some I don't need to, but I don't take a chance.
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I don't know about medications because been staying away.I tried some baby benedryl couple months ago at 1/4 dose and it messed me up. but my food sensitivities have gotten way better, still have some but nothing like before. In the beginning I could eat any veggie or fruit I wanted but towards the end of taper I was limited to chicken, celery, some carrots and the broth from thise. Then could have rice. Now almost a year out and  Ive actually eaten Mexican food at a restaurant recently and have eaten at buffet style restaurant more than once.  I always take some cream of tartar and it does help. At buffet didnt  eat any of foods with the breading, gravies or sauces. not saying there weren't any symptoms but what I did have were tolerable. Though I couldn't get home fast enough after the buffet once, but did have cheese cake there, so adding sugar to what ever chemicals and figure msg and no wonder my brain was crying. I feel better when I stick to clean food which is mostly what I eat and will continue, and have grown to appreciate but will no doubt also continue to occasionally have some of the garbage food. Ive always leaned towaed clean eating. It feels so good to be  able to go out with my husband after being homebound. Its now more fun than scary meshing with the other world, a great indicater of healing and it makes my husband happy to see me in it. It's  then  back to my safe world and safe foods. I'd love to get my husband eating healthier. I usually cook two separate meals.

It does get better.


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