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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Valium from 20 to 17,5


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I made a cut of valium from 20mg to 17,5. Having a bit of a bumpy ride, but hope it's bearable. Will go much slower when i reach 15 mg. I'm on my third day now and this usually is one of the worst days (and the fifth day). Some say it takes a week to feel the withdrawal symptoms due to the long half-life of valium. Does this apply to everybody, or has anyone felt this before like i am now ?
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In theory, it should take a good week to really feel the full extent of a dose change (up or down) with valium.  The change begins immediately, but takes several days to equilibrate.
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I feel my cuts from day 3-5 too. I have a very quick metabolism though (hyperthyroidism). But I certainly can agree with the day 3-5 (it settles greatly for me at the end of day 5). Many people say day 8 but I think it really depends on the individual. My cut plan is exactly the same as yours. I'm keen to get down to 15 with longish pauses (2 weeks) in between. Then I will slow right down after that. I think its a mental thing. 15 was my therapeutic dose and my doc said he would be happy if I got there in 6 months and I want to get there in 4. I know it's not a race, and slower is better etc. but psychologically I want to get to 15. I'm still functional and I will change plans if that changes. But while I can function, I can cut.
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Great to hear from you 'Bad choices'. Let's hope we both get there. I have a very bad morning anxiety. The evenings are always better for some reason. Today is day 4, and it doesn't feel too bad unless i start thinking too much about it.
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I'm exactly the same. Mornings suck, I don't feel the dose at all, but I just keep really busy til nighttime when things are better. I know its a bad day when the nights don't ease, and I have had the odd window day turn nasty at night (makes me feel dirty that!)


Good luck with everything and wishing you many windows  :D

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