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tinnitus increase after going to cinema?


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I went to the theatre and saw a film with some very loud scenes. My mind is going crazy, thinking same thought over and over for over 24hrs about hurting more ears even more. Hardly any sleep either


Did going to the cinema increase my tinnitus? Or is this my anxiety and thinking about it too much. Seems like its more intense


Film was Interstellar, seems it too soon, I was so disttracted and anxiety whole time

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Tinnitus is the only sx I cannot figure out whether it is happening due to age vs benzo wd.  My tinnitus is extremely high pitched, north of 12.5 Khz. Based on some research, high frequency hearing loss is quite common after age 25-30. I used to go to a lot of concerts and clubs in my younger days so maybe that's it? Tinnitus really has me stumped. I hope it goes away after a few months.
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  • 6 years later...

I went to see this outdoor concert during benzo withdrawal. The noise there triggered both hyperacusis and tinnitus next day and the symptoms haven't gone anywhere after it. I believe the fact I go through benzo wd triggered tinnitus. I haven't had tinnitus in the past or any issues dealing with noise at cinema or concerts. Please be careful when you go to cinema/concerts during benzo withdrawal. And if you do go there, avoid being near the speakers and wear earplugs. Our CNS, senses and ears are sensitive. Tinnitus and sensitivity to sound are benzo withdrawal symptoms! Any louder noise can trigger tinnitus and tinnitus sucks.


I am not going to concerts or cinema for the rest of my taper. I am too sensitive. It is not worth the risk.

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