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at .9mg v terrible insomnia, curious about positive/neg experiences w/remeron


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Having terrible insomnia, had insomnia the whole time but usually only 3am awakening w revved up feeling so still getting 4-6hrs. past few weeks trouble falling asleep too. Some nights no sleep at all,it's killing me.

Curious about remeron, I have a cytochrome enzyme deficient and can't metabolize ssri and tricyclic antidepressants very well and should stay away from them.

What have peoples positive and negative experiences w/ remeron been. Looks like a possibility but am scared of all drugs now.


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Hello there,

My experience with remeron.

It is the most evil drug! Don't do it!


Have been put o 45 for about 6 months. It never worked. Now I'm stuck trying to get off it. Withdrawl sucks and this will be the last pill I ever touch, EVER!


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Having terrible insomnia, had insomnia the whole time but usually only 3am awakening w revved up feeling so still getting 4-6hrs. past few weeks trouble falling asleep too. Some nights no sleep at all,it's killing me.

Curious about remeron, I have a cytochrome enzyme deficient and can't metabolize ssri and tricyclic antidepressants very well and should stay away from them.

What have peoples positive and negative experiences w/ remeron been. Looks like a possibility but am scared of all drugs now.



I had severe sudden onset anxiety.  I  tried diazepam, lorazepam, buspar, geodon, zoloft, and probably some other that I don't remember.


The ONLY thing that gave me relief was remeron.  I took 22.5-30 mg/day for almost 3 years, and had no significant side fxs,no weight gain.  When I stopped, I did a 2 week taper (15mg/7 days. 7.5 mg/7 days, then 0)...no wd sxs at all.


When I started by diazepam taper, I still occasionally  took a small dose (approx 3.75 mg) for sleep.

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Remeron didn't help me, but that doesn't mean it might not help you. But, there is no guarantee that it wont cause you problems, either. Some people DO have trouble getting off it. Some people don't get helped by it.


I tried nearly everything out there for insomnia and nothing worked. I have come to the conclusion that I just had to heal without adding any new drugs, and let nature do its thing.



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Thanks everyone. Thanks East, I tend to concur. Really don't want anymore drugs. Just desperate. Will have to tough it out and just heal.
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I'm in the same boat, have a box of mitrazapine on the side and too scared to take it, I'm down to 0.5mg of diazapam and sleep I'm down to 3-4 hrs a night it's killing me as I need my sleep. I make up my mind to take the mirt then read a bad review and stop.. I feel like I'm being to tortured. 
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I'm in the same boat, have a box of mitrazapine on the side and too scared to take it, I'm down to 0.5mg of diazapam and sleep I'm down to 3-4 hrs a night it's killing me as I need my sleep. I make up my mind to take the mirt then read a bad review and stop.. I feel like I'm being to tortured.


You can google almost any med available, and find folks who say they had a bad experience.


For sleep, only a small dose of remeron is needed...7.5mg should be sufficient.  And the sedative effect is pretty quick.  It should work within the first few days.  And at a low dose like 7.5, there is little if any serotonergic effect, only sedation.


So you could try it for a few days.  If it works and has no significant side fxs, great.  If it doesn't work, and you percieve difficulties, then stop.  Not much risk there.

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if i didn't have my remeron i prob wouldn't be doing as well as i am! I only take 7.5mg since C/T .25 klonopin! I have slept like a baby for 8-10 hours every night. I would start it on a night you know you can get plenty of sleep! I slept maybe 12 hours the first time i took it... may it be because it was the night after i c/t'd and needed sleep, i dont know. I'm only 16 days out and have had plenty of miserable days, don't get me wrong, but, i've also had some good days! and i've been able to work and function! without sleep, i don't think you heal much! I say give it a try! And they are correct, at a small dose 7.5mg it is mainly a sedative antihistamine. no A/D effects... I have came on and off several times and have had no w/d side effects from it. i understand everyone is different.
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  • 3 months later...
I have 7.5 mg pills to take if I need to for sleep. I cut the pill into 4 pieces. Works pretty good that way. I don't take it Every night. Did the same thing with it years ago.1/4 makes me pretty drowsy.I do get a dry mouth and slightly hung over if I take it after 8 pm never any discontinuing problems.
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I was on a low dose so it was more sedative.  I gained a LOT of weight and am quite active.  I was prescribed it during a traumatic grief period and it made me numb, in hindsight I should have let the grief process run its course.  It was a bitch to get off .. I ended up losing a lot of weight thank goodness.  Weirdest cravings ever (think black pepper with butter and sugar..yeah) .. a fellow mirtie friend and I were going to come up with a remeron cook book (in jest) because of the appetite cravings. 


No sleep sucks.


Withdrawals are way worse. 

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