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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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I am sorry you are feeling so badly. I know firsthand how frightening mental symptoms can be. I went through a horrific withdrawal, and ALL my symptoms we mental. I thought I was going insane. I thought I was losing my mind. I was riddled with fear and panic. Around the third month I started to turn a positive corner and only got better from there. I am now 11 months out and doing quite well and I am so happy my nightmare is behind me. I promise you it will get better. In the meantime you need to distract, distract, distract.

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I will be six months on Wednesday and it has been a constant struggle. Fear is taking over. I even have to work myself up to taking a shower. It is debilitating.  I am on lexapro and zyprexa and nothing is working. I am not working and I am 47 years old staying at my mom's house and separated 29 years of marriage and I have never taken care of myself.  I am petrified.
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Yep! This crap stole my happiness!  I was only using it 4 weeks!

I'm sorry to hear you are having a hard time! Most of my symptoms are physical, which in turn give me anxiety and cause mental stress!! I'm only 3 weeks free.Just hanging on, to what idk..

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krnkoontz,  You have 6 months behind you. That is great. You will be turning the corner soon. The fear will pass. Can you go out for a walk? Say positive affrmations....." I am healing...I have 6 months behind me,  every day in every way I am getting better.....this will pass,


I understand about the mental sxs, i am 7 months CT and the mental sxs lifted and eased up a few weeks ago, YOU will be OK, You will get thur this, this is temporary. It will get better.



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