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i just need reassurance again....please dont hate me


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Started my month 10 still no windows.

I am terrified in a dark world full of anxiety. Same level 24/7

I was normal before this. I just cant believe this anymore.

I get scared at time that this scared me so much that i cant find myself out of this world.

It is hard if you havent seen yourself for 2 sec since nearly a year. Because it started on ativan.

I am just loosing it and so scared i have to take meds to save my life because they will only make it worse.

And yes i try to do the stuff i am told.

Feel like i am gone forever. If i dont see anything the next few days i will loose it.  :'( still getting through the minutes. What if i am so terrified of not healing, which everyone does i know, tjat i just dont notice that i am ok...you know what i mean?

I know i annoy you guys but i have no one else who believes me

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I wake up a lot at night and sometimes i really want schnitzel, lol, maybe that is like a 3 second window? God i am like a insane person.

If i would loose the fear of not healing i would maybe be healed....

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You don't annoy me at all. I'm glad you're posting because that's what we're all here for.  :)


I'm sorry you're still suffering so much. Unfortunately, we have members who take longer to heal. You're not doing anything wrong. It just takes a really long time.


I know in the past you've mentioned you can exercise and eat well and I believe you mentioned trying guided meditations. Just keep doing these types of activities and distracting as much as possible.


Hope you feel better soon.  :smitten:

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Hang in there, it does get better. I'm living proof! Yes it does take some of us longer but everyday will bring more healing. Just try to distract your self. I know that seems difficult but it does help. Hugs
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If i dont train my brain of my fear of tv or travelling or outside or everything really will it still go??


Yes, I really believe it will. Why it takes longer for some people than others, I don't know. Your CNS is just really compromised right now. I spent many nights unable to listen to anything other than really gentle guided meditations. But the past couple of weeks, I've been watching crime shows. So I know it does get better.


I like your comment about "train my brain." When I was having problems with suicidal and looping thoughts, I'd listen to Jon Kabat-Zinn, Tara Brach, and Mooji just about 24/7. I played them on YouTube and would listen through headphones at work. Then I'd let guided meditation videos play at night and I swear I felt better in the morning evening though I slept through them.


I've been more and more calm. Who knows - maybe I AM training my brain!  :thumbsup:

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I just dont get it how its supposed to stop if it never stops....

And this just being on this shit for 10 weeks. I am off it 3 times longer than i was on it!!

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I'm going to be off for 1 year next week and I suffer immensely. It is still beyond what words can describe. I haven't had a window in 6 weeks and that only last 2 hours. My dp/dr reved up in June and is so intense that I have pressure in my head until about 5 pm everyday when it "lifts." It doesn't lift in that I received windows, it's just that the headache pressure goes away. It shows absolutely no signs of letting up. I know, I totally know! I also don't know what the hell is w/d anymore. I haven't felt myself for almost a year.

I do EVERYTHING I can and I'm suppose to do as far as distracting and healthy lifestyle, etc.

We just have to keep hanging on. I don't see any alternatives.

Be well! :smitten:

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I'm right there with you. Trying so hard to keep going and like you, trying to distract but never managing it, ever. The psychological torment is unthinkable. I keep thinking I want to go on something to stop it but I can't tolerate anything.


Maybe your cravings for schnitzel are a good sign!

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Do what ever you want to soothe yourself. If certain things bother you that you used to enjoy but don't now are upsetting you like a TV show or movie or even going out, try to remember that yes the "normal" you will come back. It did for me. I hope this helps a little.

What I truly want to say to anyone during this time of w/d is, it WILL get better!!  ;D ;D

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