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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

So much anxiety


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Since I withdrew from klonopin, some of my biggest anxieties are about things that make even less sense than typical anxiety. I get extremely anxious about the past and things that I think could have happened. I get so anxious that I did something horrible but I just have no memory of it. For example: I get severe anxiety about cheating on my boyfriend. I have never cheated on him, but I get this horrible feeling of anxiety that I did and that I for some reason just may have repressed my memory of it. Another example is about a child I used to babysit and how I could have hurt her which i don't have any memory of but again I just convince myself that I have repressed these things from my memory and I am terrified that they will some day come up and basically ruin my life. It takes me a long time to be rational again and remind myself that these things didn't ever really happen.


Before benzos my anxiety was more based on the future which is why I get so worried with this stuff. I don't understand. Does anyone else have things like this??? Especially when I am laying awake in bed, avoiding sleep (another thing that I would have never done ore benzos- I love sleep but now it is almost like I am afraid of it!!) im just so frustrated. When will this end????

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