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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

seizures are awful


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I have been taking benzos for almost 10 yrs. At one point i was up to 10 bars a day and still going on with daily life. In February i tried to stop cold turkey...that was the first seizure.  I was found on my bathroom floor with my tounge bitten half way off. Since the i have cut back alot but every two to three days the seizures come back. I dont want to take them anymore but with every seizure i lose part of my memory.  Ive never been addicted to anything in my life never delt with withdrawal. Anyonehave any advice. Please i know im going to die if i continue like this.
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Hi kimg and welcome.


Seizures can be associated with cold turkey withdrawal and ten bars of anything is a very high dose to cold turkey from.  It sounds like maybe you're tapering too rapidly still.  Benzodiazepines must be tapered off slowly, especially after ten years of use. 


We recommend no more than 5 to 10% every ten days to two weeks as per the Ashton Manual, which is an excellent source of info on benzo withdrawal.


A good place to start posting would be in General Taper Plans.


Please include your benzodiazepine information in your posts.  To make that easier by adding it to each post automatically, you can go up to Profile, choose Forum Profile, write the information in the text box and click Change Profile.


Hopefully we can get you stabilized and on a comfortable tapering schedule quickly, kimg.


Take care,

Challis  :)



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Sometimes they are so hard to find on the streets. Thats when it really gets bad! Ive never been prescribed i just started taking them to get sleep. Then before i knew it my tolerance was up so high. Today is day two my stomach and legs are cramping i can feel the seizures comimg on now im so used to it.
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Thank you i have thought of that but i wasnt sure he would prescribe me something im addicted to. I've thought about going to the emergency room a few times also. I feel like its taking over my life.
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Thank you i have thought of that but i wasnt sure he would prescribe me something im addicted to. I've thought about going to the emergency room a few times also. I feel like its taking over my life.


I think that if you seizure that you need to go to the ER.  There are anti seizure medicines used in benzodiazepine withdrawal. Detox centers often use phenobarbital.

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I think you need to go to ER or doc ASAP and tell them what's happening to you.  I don't know how they handle your situation, using the unprescribed benzo's, but the seizures need to be dealt with by a professional, IMO. 
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I went to detox at a rehab center and the first seizure i had there they told me i couldnt stay because they didnt have the medical staff to deal with my condition
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I went to detox at a rehab center and the first seizure i had there they told me i couldnt stay because they didnt have the medical staff to deal with my condition


Do you have a doctor you can call tomorrow?

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Please call a doctor tomorrow and get in to see him/her ASAP, or go to ER for help for the seizure.  I understand the memory loss from a seizure.  I had a mini seizure years ago from not taking the Xanax. 
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Yes i have been since friday. Today i couldn't even get out of my bed. And i feel so awful because my husband will sit right next to me all day waiting for the next one to come. But on a positive note im so glad i found this group i always feel like im all alone
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Yes i have been since friday. Today i couldn't even get out of my bed. And i feel so awful because my husband will sit right next to me all day waiting for the next one to come. But on a positive note im so glad i found this group i always feel like im all alone


Can you go to the ER now?  I really wouldn't wait, hon.  You need to be seen now.


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You don't want to keep having seizures from this cold turkey withdrawal... you need to go to the ER right away.  Please  have your husband take you to the nearest hospital.  Check in with us when you can so we know how you're doing, okay?  But you need to go now.


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Does anyone know if i do that are they aloud to report it to the state and try to take my kids away? The rehab told me no because of the hippa law but i didnt trust them
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I don't know that answer to that but is the rehab people told you no, I should hope they'd have the correct information.


Your kids need their mom to be safe.  Even if they don't prescribe Xanax for you, they'll give you medications for preventing the seizures.  This isn't something to fool around with.


How much were you on daily before you ran out?

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Im going to go! I will let you know how i make out. Again thank you for taking time to give me advice


Good girl, please do get back to us.  :thumbsup:

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Hi Kimg, regarding memory.....I experienced short-term memory problems during my initial treatment with Klonopin (1 mg to 4 mg).


I was worried that my memory will deteriorate.  But I observed that my memory returned to normal, I am now at 0.375 mg of my slow tapering.  Memory impairment is temporary as what I have experienced.  Our brain can reverse the effect of benzo, although it will take a long time.  Memory problem is more apparent at high dosage, and recovery is noticeable as you reach low dosage.



Shaybah, Saudi Arabia

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