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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Wow the success stories


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are getting scarier and scarier...."3 years and healed" ....really?....is there no end to this WD?  I'm only at 3 months and my whole family and doctors are like WTF?  get over it! :brickwall:
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Don't worry; a lot of us believe that most people recover a lot quicker!They just don't hang around, or even register as a Buddie. I believe that of the millions of people taking benzos or z drugs, most people have little to no problems discontinuing the meds.


There are some theories about why some of us have it a lot harder than others - but I don't think that there are any true answers to this.


Hang in there! And I send you all my best wishes for your continued recovery.


M.  :)

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are getting scarier and scarier...."3 years and healed" ....really?....is there no end to this WD?  I'm only at 3 months and my whole family and doctors are like WTF?  get over it! :brickwall:


Keep in mind that the majority of people can stop benzodiazepines with little to no problems, and a few of us end up finding our way to benzobuddies, and even much fewer who have a protracted withdrawal. We don't hear from the 85 percent that were able to stop with little to no problems. We only hear from those who have problems. You are only three months in. I turned a huge corner at 3 months and only improved every month from thereafter. I am now doing quite well at 11 months out. You may want your family to read the Ashton Manual. This will give them a much better understanding about benzodiazepines the withdrawal from it. There will be a time when this is all behind you.

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As has already been said, the large majority of people who get off benzos heal fairly quickly and never even hear of this site, much less come here.  That was true of me after my first easy withdrawal 10 years ago!  Unfortunately, due to the sudden death of my husband, I reinstated not once but twice after that.  Some of the folks here are extreme cases, but they don't represent the norm. 


So, it doesn't make sense to assume you'll be one of these unfortunate few.  You almost certainly won't.  I hope you start feeling better soon!



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Do not worry ...


Personally is a piece that I feel good, but I remain to post every now and then and, if I can, I would like to give a moment of comfort to those who believe that never heal  ;)


Three months I had a breakthrough and I hope you do too  :thumbsup:



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As has already been said, the large majority of people who get off benzos heal fairly quickly and never even hear of this site, much less come here.  That was true of me after my first easy withdrawal 10 years ago!  Unfortunately, due to the sudden death of my husband, I reinstated not once but twice after that.  Some of the folks here are extreme cases, but they don't represent the norm. 


So, it doesn't make sense to assume you'll be one of these unfortunate few.  You almost certainly won't.  I hope you start feeling better soon!




Likewise.  I used and reinstated several times in the past.  I CT'd every time - didn't know better - and never had one sx whatsoever!  Who knows why the difference this time around?  Age?  Kindling?  Very sporadic/erratic use?  Or I often wonder if the main culprit was the Effexor of many years ago, which really did a number on me and possibly impaired my CNS.  Now that's another very evil drug that I would caution everyone not to mess with!


Additionally, once people recover, it can be very hard emotionally to revisit the trauma they went through, which I believe is another reason people often don't post their success stories.  I know for myself, 10 yrs later, I still feel emotional whenever I discuss my Effexor experience. 



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All these arguments are valid but still is demonetizing to see the success stories of c/t after 3 years. There are no arguments that can ease this fear.

What I have seen from c/t success histories is that ether they heal very fast or take more than a years.

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Try to keep a couple things in mind, okay?


First, few people suffer as long as 3 years. Very few. Second, even fewer bother to write a Success Story. One has to be motivated, and feel comfortable writing to do that. A lot of people heal, and just go back to their lives - they don't want to re-live their withdrawal in a Success Story.


It has taken me 2 years to heal. But, as someone mentioned, other factors may have played a part in my slow healing. I used to drink, used to take opiates, used to take AD's. I am probably kindled. That may have helped prolong my benzo withdrawal, and I will never really know. But I don't care at this point, because the fact is: I DID HEAL, and I haven't felt this good for years! Isnt that what counts?


I often tell people - if you are reading a post (of any sort) and you are becoming frightened, click off of it. Withdrawal is scary enough, without reading something that gets your pulse rate up.


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are getting scarier and scarier...."3 years and healed" ....really?....is there no end to this WD?  I'm only at 3 months and my whole family and doctors are like WTF?  get over it! :brickwall:


Personally, even though I'm in the midst of my taper, I have no intention of going protracted. This may not be true, but I think that if you believe in yourself that things will be OK, then that positive attitude will go a long way. I simply put my past C/Ts in the attic. Bets  :smitten:

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I often wonder if switching from different benzos at different mg's and going to valium or something to taper has anything to do with it..I know everyone heals differently,,but I do not think all benzos are alike,,imo,,of course if anyone has a different observation please help me understand
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