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Question about disability and work stuff


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I have been on temporary disability from work for about 6 months...3 months into cold turkey....I just got a letter saying that my TDI is expiring on December 23....OMG...all doctors will not believe that I can still be in withdrawal!!!!l, even my husband is getting tired of this...there is no way I can work and deal with customers...I have anxiety through the roof 24/7 break out into sweats all day long, CNS messed up....anyone have any suggestion?...I know this is a hard question, but how do I convince at least 1 doctor that benzo wd is real?!!
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helpmom, I know the disability field, quite well. First of all, give up trying to convince your doctors or the disability carrier that you are disabled due to benzos WD. It is not recognized as a disability there is no diagnostic medical code for benzos WD syndrone. The best way to get your claim approved for disability is to claim a psych condition such as depression, anxiety, panic disorder. It would be best to get under the care of a psychiatrist in order to get the diability claim approved. Or at least have your PCP refer you to one. The psychiatrist may want to prescribe you meds, but You do not need to take them. Also seeing a counselor will help substiate your disability claim.


Also your disability plan at work (If you are in the USA) is under ERISA which means you have the right to appeal, you have a right to have a copy of your entire claim file. You can submit your own appeal w/o an attorney, if you choose to, and request a review under the psychological dx.


That would be the approach I would take. Keep in mind most disability carriers limit mental and nervous claims to 24 months.


Good luck, It is difficult enough dealing with health issues and combining financial  concerns is just another hit...



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I agree with cindys. Withdrawal is not going to be accepted as a reason for disability in most places.


I am ON Disability, and have been for several years...for an injury I sustained because I was on a benzo. But when I applied, I did not know that, I hadn't started to understand how badly the drug was affecting me. My psychiatrist wrote letters, claiming I was depressed and anxious (I was...I was in tolerance WD!) My medical doctor wrote letters about my physical injuries. I was approved, after a full year of waiting.


I hate being on Disability. HATE it. I am poor, dirt poor. And its a monthly reminder of how badly Klonapin affected me. If you could figure out a way to get by financially without you working, do it. You may be healed enough to work again in a month, maybe two or three. And it will take far longer than that to apply for Disability and possibly get approved. If you can hang on a while longer, you should be able to go back to work.


Being on Disability sounds like a good deal, until you actually have to live on it.



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Thanks so much to both of you....I do need more time...who knows how much more....and I regularly see a pschychiatrist  and have been since I got in this mess.
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I agree with cindys. Withdrawal is not going to be accepted as a reason for disability in most places.


I am ON Disability, and have been for several years...for an injury I sustained because I was on a benzo. But when I applied, I did not know that, I hadn't started to understand how badly the drug was affecting me. My psychiatrist wrote letters, claiming I was depressed and anxious (I was...I was in tolerance WD!) My medical doctor wrote letters about my physical injuries. I was approved, after a full year of waiting.


I hate being on Disability. HATE it. I am poor, dirt poor. And its a monthly reminder of how badly Klonapin affected me. If you could figure out a way to get by financially without you working, do it. You may be healed enough to work again in a month, maybe two or three. And it will take far longer than that to apply for Disability and possibly get approved. If you can hang on a while longer, you should be able to go back to work.


Being on Disability sounds like a good deal, until you actually have to live on it.



I wish I said that. Bets

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I am on disability for a rare blood disorder, however it did help that I was in an outpatient program for depression,,I know a guy who has been trying to get it since before me over three years now and it's for methadone use,,they don't see that as a reason for him not being able to work so I agree have your doctor fill out the paperwork for depression, anxiety and make sure you go to every appt.mthey give you, any meds take the script and throw it away if you wish but abide by everything they require you to do,,it will make it seem like more of a mental illness they will acknowledge,,good luck
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