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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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Hi everyone, been addicted to benzos for about 6 yrs started young n im now 21. Benz of choice is xanax, but i was hooked on both klonopin n xanax for about 2 years. everything was legal n prescribed but it wasnt right, not the least bit.
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Hi there and welcome to BB!


Most people here on BB are legal users and accidental addicts. We all followed doctors orders and took them not knowing the harm they were causing. I am glad you found us! A great place to start would be to read through The Ashton Manual This is a wonderful resource written by Dr Heather Ashton, who is an expert in the field of Benzo Withdrawal. Here you can learn about all the ins and outs of Benzodiazepine withdrawal.  The recommended taper rate is 5-10% every 7-14 days , however this is just a guideline. Some find they can make bigger or smaller cuts or taper faster or  slower.  remember, there are no hard and fast rules in withdrawal, we are all unique and so is our withdrawal, what one person may experience another may not.  It is ALL trial and error. There is no right or wrong way to do this, there is only your own unique way that works for you so be patient and kind to yourself while you try to figure out what works best for you. And remember that healing is always taking place.


  The goal during and after your withdrawal will be to stabilize and manage your symptoms as best as you can to make them bearable. A common misconception is that stabilizing means the absence of symptoms  before you make another reduction, it does not. Stabilizing means your symptoms are tolerable enough to make another cut.. Keep at it and know that the waves (times you feel bad) get shorter and the windows(times you feel good) get longer and eventually it is all windows . Just remember to hang in there because you will get through it! Remember you can always log on and lean on your BenzoBuddies any time day or night. We have an amazing bunch of members, who are here to help you through this.




Here are some links to get you started:


For advice on how to taper , which method to use and to set up a taper plan visit our:  General Taper Boards


To discuss withdrawal symptoms while you are tapering please  visit: Pre Withdrawal Support And after you have finished your taper and are no longer on Benzodiazepines, the section to discuss your symptoms would be Post Withdrawal Recovery Support


Please take the time to Create a Signature  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Feel free to post on any of our other boards. And for any technical questions you may have concerning how to do something  on the website  please do not hesitate to post a question in our Technical Support section.


Again, welcome! AlabamaWerle. xo

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welcome  :) benzodiazepines are meant for short time use. They can cause a multitude of problems if taken long term. They can also be quite difficult to come off of. I, too, took them for many years, having to have my dose increased over and over through the years as I would reach tolerance. The one piece of advice I can give you is that if you decide to taper off of them please do it slowly. In my opinion that can greatly reduce the chances of severe or prolonged symptoms.
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