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I am in really bad shape


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I somehow made it through surgery by popping clonidine like candy, then the pain and claustrophobia in a neck collar was so bad that I nearly wound up back on benzos, saved by a unbelievable nurses. After no sleep for,days at home I had to take flexiril, which is standard after fusion according to my doc. Did fine for a week then the flexiril started to amp me up, had to quit yesterday. Worst episode yet today, utterly out of my head. Now the clon is making me  nuts. Feel I have no choice but to go back  on benzos, I'm barely hanging on. Need a miracle. I cannot risk breaking the hardware in my neck when I go nuts.Thanks for listening all.
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Jack, I am sorry to read that you are feeling badly. Gosh, you have just been through so much. I know how you struggled throughout your taper and now this. I can't even imagine what you are going through right now. I would hate to see you go back on benzodiazepines. It took you so long to get off of them. Maybe when you are off the clonidine you will fee better. Is that something that you are going to be taking much longer?
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I'm so sorry to hear this, Jack. You are a true warrior. I hope you can get through this with alternatives to benzos as you've struggled through so much. But I've got several reinstatements to my name, so no judgement here.


How long do you have to wear the neck collar?


Just hoping you get through this and find some relief soon.  :smitten:

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Jack, try to hang on a while longer. You will soon start to heal from the surgery. I assume you had anesthesia for it, and the effects of it may still be with you now. I hope you start to feel better soon, because I know you've struggled quite a while.



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Thanks for sharing  your story.  I am really ticked off at the professional detox center that DID NOT taper me off benzos.  They knew I had been on them 20years 30 mg.  My head is so screwed up, brain pounds all the time, can't sleep, etc.  Don't have a clue how I'll manage life on these terms.  However, I was visited by the Holy Spirit as I was walking this afternoon.
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Thanks for sharing  your story.  I am really ticked off at the professional detox center that DID NOT taper me off benzos.  They knew I had been on them 20years 30 mg.  My head is so screwed up, brain pounds all the time, can't sleep, etc.  Don't have a clue how I'll manage life on these terms.  However, I was visited by the Holy Spirit as I was walking this afternoon.


Can you describe your experience?



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