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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

does it feel as iff all your emotions are heightened?


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Does it feel as if every emotion u have is heightened?


Anxiety, irritability, depression, mental pain.


Is everything that you feel more painful?


thanks for responding :smitten:

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My anxiety is sky high!  I am also extremely irritability.  It seems like every little thing sets me off. I know this is part of withdrawal so I am trying to ride it out the best I can.
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To be honest the day amount doesn't though I just upped it to 100mg. I started that today so I will be sure to update you on it goes. It does help me sleep. I am taking 300mg at night with 150mg of Trazodone. A lot of the things you are feeling I am also feeling. I am glad you are here.
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