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Gastrointestinal pain Anxiety Racing heart


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I'm 1 1/2 years off made the hard turn from all the physiological systems but now I'm struck with bad gastrointestinal pain . Can't sleep on left side burning stomach pain radiating to my arm and rib on the left side. It sends to into a severe anxiety attack racing heart palpitations I can't relax I feel like I'm literally going to jump out of my skin. I'm in the middle of one now and it's even challenging to type this. My arm was hurting this morning and the thought of a heart attack sent me into a spiral . I felt my heart race then slow then race . Has that happened to anyone else? I've had all the heart tests imaginable and its fine. But it still scares me the most . Not to mention I'm down 50lbs and I'm now having trouble eating  :'( My ativan hell ! 8months on at .5 3x a day .
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