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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

maybe give up?


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At age 68 is it really worth w/d and months of tapering? Both parents only lived to 70 anyway so maybe just go back on mess and enjoy what's left of ride. Am almost driven crazy by dizziness.
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It's totally your call of course, but just because your parents died at 70 doesn't mean you will too. You could still have another 20 years to live.


If you're going to do a cold turkey or a fast taper, of course things are going to be bad, but it doesn't have to be like that. Depending on the type of taper you choose to do, it can be fairly manageable.


However, if you feel things will be better if you don't taper, and you weren't experiencing too many issues being on Xanax, then maybe that's what you should do. Like I said, it's totally your call, but I personally wouldn't be throwing the towel in until I had explored all the alternative ways of tapering.

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The average life span currently is 76 for me and 78 for women. 77 years ago the average lifespan was 54 (men) and 56 (woman). Times are changing - you still have many good years ahead of you.


Just go slow. Ultimately it is up to you, but long term benzo's causes more anxiety and depression than it treats.


I know you can do it, and part of you must want to because you're here. Good luck and we will be here for you regardless  :smitten:

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It's totally your call of course, but just because your parents died at 70 doesn't mean you will too. You could still have another 20 years to live.


If you're going to do a cold turkey or a fast taper, of course things are going to be bad, but it doesn't have to be like that. Depending on the type of taper you choose to do, it can be fairly manageable.


However, if you feel things will be better if you don't taper, and you weren't experiencing too many issues being on Xanax, then maybe that's what you should do. Like I said, it's totally your call, but I personally wouldn't be throwing the towel in until I had explored all the alternative ways of tapering.


Pook i agree with Pam, wish you well on whatever you decide. :smitten:


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At age 68 is it really worth w/d and months of tapering? Both parents only lived to 70 anyway so maybe just go back on mess and enjoy what's left of ride. Am almost driven crazy by dizziness.


Hi Pooks,


Parents' lifespans are not always an indicator of longevity.  Both my parents, who lived well into their 80's, had parents who died in their 50's or early 60's.  As has been said, that was normal back 60-70 years ago.  My mom was always going on about how she would die soon, because her mother had died at 63.  Well, she survived, and thrived, until age 86! 


I started tapering at age 62, and am now 64.  If you're in general good health, IMO there's no reason you can't taper off benzos.  But it has to be something you really want to do, because healing can take time.  However, in general, most people who do this do not have severe long lasting symptoms (it's only the difficult cases that show up here on this site, remember).  If one tapers sensibly, and has never withdrawn before, this is very doable.  We generally recommend a taper rate of about 5-10% every 10-14 days.




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If I was your age and lived a long life that I deemed was really eventful and full of joy, I wouldnt bother ditching the meds. That's just me. I'm 26 and in withdrawal hell. Ugh. I couldn't imagine doing it later in life though. Although as you age you seem to get more patience for things. Whatever you decide, I wish you all the best!


Oh...I would go get all tests done to ensure you are in tip top shape before you begin. Just so you can have peace of mind you are 100% healthy.

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I want to share this study by pharmacists of reducing benzodiazepine use in elderly patients. You'll see that they had success in doing so with people older than you. It's entirely possible!





Granted, it's just one study and one small sample, but it does show that there can be positive effects at any age. There can be improved sleep, since these medications affect sleep cycles. And there can be improved breathing, cognition, reflexes, energy and quality of life, etc.


I noticed that you mentioned dizziness too. That's been my worst symptom since the beginning, when I was still taking the medication. To me, dizziness is a good reason to get OFF the medications, since it can cause falls and fractures. I'm 50, and I've had to use a walker or crutches to get around my place. I've had some serious near-falls. Today's a less dizzy day, though, and it gives me hope that this dizziness will end. Other BBs give me hope too!


Like the others, I think we all have to make our own decisions about all of this. But be sure you're making the decision based on good information.


Best wishes to you!

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I started tapering 2mg Xanax at age 60 after years of use, finished at 61 and am doing very well now at age 64.  Benzodiazepines can be a real problem for the elderly and while I don't consider myself elderly yet, we're getting there.

It's a great thing to be able to go into my elderly years free of medication/refills/tolerance withdrawal/anxiety.


You can do it.  The dizziness will pass...I hung onto things as I made my way through the house for awhile.



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Hope I don't get a double post here, but original reply got lost.


I am humbled by and so thankful to all those who replied.


Been really hit with dizzy spells but boosting back to 1 mg per day, as doctor suggested, apparently is going to hold me until I can get into him Monday. Improvement today.


I realize parents' death ages are not necessarily a predictor of mine, but I have to seriously wonder if, at this stage, a w/d program would be worth it.


I know someone who has taken Phenobarbital for over 60 years to control Epilepsy.  Yes, there are side effects, but it has given her a life.  Why would she withdraw now unless a serious medical reason pops up?


Maybe I am "trapped" by benzos?  I've really got to decide this for myself, but a tapering program may be a good thing if I can do it.


Again, many thanks to all who responded, and I'll be watching this board closely. 

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Pooks, I am now 64, and started this journey at 62. My health hasn't been this good for years! I honeslty did not see how badly the benzo was affecting me - until I got off.

Just because your parents died at fairly young ages doesn't mean YOU will. You may have inherited the genes to give you a much longer life. At 62, in the eyes of medicine, you are considered YOUNG. Way to young to give up.

Being on Phenobarb for epilepsy is totally different than being on a benzo (unless the benzo is to control seizures). There are ways to control anxiety and insomnia other than taking a pill. One cant do that for seizures!


I WAS trapped by benzos. I can see that so clearly now...I look back in wonder and shock, even now. I nearly lost a leg because of a benzo, nearly died several times. I feel incredibly lucky that I did get forced to cold turkey and just

get off the benzo. If I hadn't been forced to, I might not have had the will power or control to taper off, to be honest.


But getting off was the best thing I have ever done for myself - bar none. My health is good for an old lady. I no longer use a cane. I still have the leg I nearly lost. I walk, I take care of my place, my pets and myself. I even have started working part time recently. I again have hope, which is something I had lost when on a benzo.


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Pooks, don't you dare give up now!!!! Its very possible something similar will happen for you, too. But you have to give it a good try.



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