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I'm 3 weeks off and tonight I had to miss my twins soccer game, I missed their awards ceremony this morning, they got straight A's ...I'm having to miss all this because when I walk my heart just races, and my back and neck stiffens or gets tight.Also since I've been off I've had 4 panic attacks.  I was only on this crap 4 weeks! My life seems ruined! I'm just sick of it!
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Your life isn't ruined. Its just gonna be difficult for a bit. Don't fret, it will get better. :) Just hang in there. You are doing great. By the sounds of it your withdrawal won't be too bad. Most people off Ativan where you are at now are on their way to the ER for extreme mental torment. I'm sure BRC could chime in and explain her story to you.


You are doing great :) I believe in you! You will be healed by X-mas! Purrrrromise!

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I hope so...I go back to work in 2 weeks!Which I have no clue how I'll d that!!  I have more physical than mental issues!  :tickedoff:


Trust me when I say that's a good thing. I have 50/50 intensity on both sides. During a cortisol surge one of the two will hut 75% intensity. I can't work because of this. :( If all you got is some physical symptoms and situational anxiety...run with it. Consider yourself lucky.

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What are the mental issues?


I'd you don't have them aside from anxiety, don't worry about em. Lol don't look up symptoms either.

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dear friend-you ARE healing!!! We got this! Hang tight, and look for the greater good! All of this hell will end! And hopefully for us- that is SOON!  :hug: :hug: sending you big hugs!
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I hope so...I go back to work in 2 weeks!Which I have no clue how I'll d that!!  I have more physical than mental issues!  :tickedoff:


Hi Marie!  I was wondering how you were doing!  Same experience for me, more physical than mental symptoms.  They can be scary, but you can do it!  My withdrawal so far has been nothing compared to you, i feel so bad for you aniut how much you are suffering.


But you could i prove so much over the next two weeks, try not to worry.  A day at a time :)

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I hope so...I go back to work in 2 weeks!Which I have no clue how I'll d that!!  I have more physical than mental issues!  :tickedoff:


I was just the opposite. I had zero physical symptoms. All of mine where mental. I think that in a few weeks that you will realize just how strong you are marie. Look at how far you have come so far. You will continue to heal and I think you will find work to be a good thing.

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My heart races when I walk.Is that A symptom?  Anxiety?

I did have this a little bit before benzos, in the morning my heart rate would be faster. ..so idk.

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My heart races when I walk.Is that A symptom?  Anxiety?

I did have this a little bit before benzos, in the morning my heart rate would be faster. ..so idk.


Could be POTS? Common withdrawal symptom. But it could be anxiety too. Anything you had before benzos will be exaggerated. It sucks, but it hits you where it hurts.

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