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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Could my paresthesia be caused by Wellbutrin instead?


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I quit Wellbutrin at rough the same time. I didn't know better at the time. :(


I've since reinstated because the paresthesia is crippling. My benzo taper was 10 months from 3mg of Klonopin. Fairly slow, I thought. But the paresthesia has been brutal. I am grasping at straws, possibly, but I'm wondering if I should reinstate the Wellbutrin.

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I went onto Wikipedia and is stated that, among other drugs, Valium and Wellbutrin can have interactions. However, it never said what those interactions can be.
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I am having a very bad time also with paresthesia.  My face and head are the worst. I hate this feeling so much. I also get it in my hands and feel. I posted a message about this on Thursday and a few people replied that they are pretty sure it is part of benzo withdrawal. How long has this been going on for you?
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I had this very badly. It began about 2 hours after taking one dose of Valium when I was told to reinstate 10 weeks after a 3 mg K c/t. I stayed on the Valium for only 5 weeks and it kept getting worse. I believe it's benzo related and not Wellbutrin related. I c/t 150 mg of Wellbutrin at the same time as the K in Oct 2011 and I had been on the Wellbutrin for about 15 years. It will go away but for me it took quite a while.
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I am having a very bad time also with paresthesia.  My face and head are the worst. I hate this feeling so much. I also get it in my hands and feel. I posted a message about this on Thursday and a few people replied that they are pretty sure it is part of benzo withdrawal. How long has this been going on for you?


It's been going on for me since 5 months into my taper. It got much worse, though, at the end which is about the time I also quit Wellbutrin. That's why I asked. I've since reinstated at 5mg Valium and it's better. It's very tolerable right now. I'm hoping it stabilizes enough for me to keep working and take this last 5mg very slowly. We'll see.

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