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Ice-Cream Headache (without the ice-cream)


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There was a small discussion about this on a "flu" thread, thought I'd make one specifically about this type of headache because I'm sick of it.  I've got a headache that I can't pinpoint whether it's a migraine, stress, seizury or just a weird benzo symptom that won't leave.  Feels kinda like a persistent "ice-cream" headache.  The headache is entirely on the top left side going down behind my left eye.  It is worse when standing and I'm extremely sensitive to light/sound.  It is severe enough that I can't really do anything except lay in bed in the dark and it is fairly constant throughout the day while usually letting up a little by evening only to return the next day.  I'm not sure I've ever had a migraine, but I don't think migraines last this long.


For some reason diphenhydramine  takes it almost completely away for a couple of hours and I can get up and do stuff.  No OTC pain relievers work.  Nothing else has worked.  Why in the hell would diphenhydramine work?


I know a few others have mentioned they have this and I got some good suggestions (tylenol 1, heat/ice) but has anyone found anything else to alleviate it?

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