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Coping with the Holidays?


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The holidays are very stressful for me.  Between the travel, being so busy, feeling so pressured, having to deal with family... I get really stressed out.  Last year I had come off the benzos for a week and ended up going back on after a fight with my family.  At the time, though, I didn't know about benzo withdrawal and didn't know that some of the symptoms I was feeling was from that (i.e. MUCH more irritable).  I'm scared that I'm going to cave at some point over this holiday season and mess things up.  Any advice for people who have gone through their first holiday stress (or other stress) without falling back into them?
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Nothing comes before your mental health. Last year I wasn't in withdrawal but was experiencing inner-dose withdrawal/tolerance around the holidays. I'd avoid holiday parties where drinking is involved, so all of them. Family parties, it depends whether your family accepts that you need your space and can't be on your game during your visits and parties. I'm personally trying to find a way to stay at a friends house instead of going out of town for Thanksgiving.
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