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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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Has anyone ever been prescribed gabapentin as a medication to take when tapering off klonopin ? My neurologist wants me to take it three times a day. I was originally prescribed klonopin for insomnia and now want to get off after 4 weeks of being on it at 0.5 or 0.25mg.
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Absolutely a life saver in terms of blocking/blunting benzo w/d sx.  Don't fear it...yes, you'll have to eventually come off that too but have been advised it's a lot easier than benzos. This benzo stuff is monstrous, so drawn out and every day you don't know how you'll feel or function. Keep the faith and trudge on... :angel:
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I think it was a life saver for me as well in early withdrawal. I did a brutal cold turkey withdrawal 11 months ago and was prescribed 2700 mg of gabapentin. I think it was really helpful in reducing anxiety related withdrawal symptoms. It did not take them away, but instead made them manageable.
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I would prefer not to have to take another drug in this case gabapentin in order to get off 4 to what will posiibly be 8 weeks of 0.25mg per day of klonopin. How bad would the withdrawal symptoms be from 6 to 8 weeks of klonopin at this dose ?  Some doctors / pharmacist claim that 3 months tops should be the cut off point for klonopin use. Im going to see My MD in a few days and ask about cutting down 1/4 per week which would take Me two weeks to complete from My current 0.25 daily dose " which is no longer working anyway for sleep ".  Or should I strech out the taper longer than that ?
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I just jumped off klonopin 12 days ago after 4 years of using 3 mg/day.


I was prescribed 900 mg of gabapentin for seizure protection/anxiety and 50 mg of trazadone for anxiety during my taper. these drugs made it seem so easy. easier than I though it would be anyway. I am working on healing now and don't plan to take the gabapentin much longer. I am really looking for something that will help me more with this terrible anxiety I'm dealing with since I came off the K poison :(

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I tried neurontin several times but it actually gave me anxiety that I didnt have before I took it.  I never took it for more than one day.  It doesnt help me at all.  Depakote helped me a long time ago but it doesnt now plus it has a lot of side effects.  A lot of people get relief from neurontin so its up to the individual. 
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I am thinking about asking my doctor for Gabapentin. I am in week nine of c/t withdrawal. I am wondering what is a good starting dosage and how far up I should go up.
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Hello Here 2 heal  I have a couple questions after reading Your post. I have been on klonopin 0.5mg for 4 weeks now once per night and want to get off. My problem is I cannot sleep without a medicine due to My insomnia.


My doc wants Me to take an atidepressant that is sedating. The only two I know of is remeron and trazadone. You mentioned trazadone. Was it sedating enough to make You fall asleep and did You have any side effects from it such as irrability or anxiety ? I dont like the fact that remeron is an SNRI meaning it hits the norepinephrine sites in the brain that produce adrenaline which is something I dont need as I am already suffering form irrability and anxiety. 


I tried to taper the klonopin down however had to go back up to the original dose as it was no longer helping Me sleep that is why I need something else to make Me sleep while I taper off this drug.  I was also offered gabapentin however wonder if I really need it in My situation ! The more drugs We take the more We have to get off of and My problem is insomnia which they all end up causing when We get off. Im stuck between a rock and a hard place.

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I have been sleeping well thanks to the Seroquel and Trazodone I take at night. You are right that they are drugs I will have to get off of in time. I think right now the good outweighs the bad. Before I took these i was lucky if I got four hours of sleep a night.
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