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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Is drop in blood pressure a withdrawal symptom?


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I feel very dizzy and week, I took my blood pressure laying down and then 10 mins later standing up, it dropped over 10 points! Is this withdrawal?
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Yes, it's definitely a w/d symptom. I've searched all over BB about bp. Mine has spiked up a great deal at times during w/d, but others' bp goes low. Orthostatic hypotension seems to happen to quite a few people on BB during w/d.
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B/P drop sure is was even told by my P/Doc and as you know they have a way of taking things lightly and never tell you much but i have a good one and she has told me the list of W/D sypmtoms is long  as we have all by now most likely researched so just be carefull when standing up and such ;)
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Rolling blood pressure is quite common in w/d, but if you're concerned it's probably best to get it checked out by your doctor.

I have low blood pressure but when I first came off benzos it spiked so I went to Urgent Care just to be on the safe side.

Are you keeping well hydrated?


Chinook  :)

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I feel very dizzy and week, I took my blood pressure laying down and then 10 mins later standing up, it dropped over 10 points! Is this withdrawal?


Actually, this is quite normal for everyone, not just someone in withdrawal. Your BP constantly goes up and down, depending on stress, food, drugs, position. A 10 point drop is not significant, from a medical point of view. Your weakness and dizziness could have been from anxiety, blood sugar, any number of things. Unless this happens a lot, I wouldn't worry about it. And I would not start taking your BP every time you feel bad - we get OCD enough in withdrawal without adding to it.



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My blood pressure goes all over the place all the time, especially when I stand up. But like all the withdrawal symptoms this one comes and goes in cycles
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