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Is it O.K to take them once a week?


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I've been free from Benzos, but the insomnia has got worse.


The doctor encouraged me to take Baclofen and ambien to take once a week only on the worst days, in order not to get addicted.

I take it only once a week, but no more.

However I am worrid that this is not good...even though that one day a week  is fantastic because it is the only day of the week I sleep really well.


Has anyone else dealt with the insomnia by only using the drugs once a week?



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Not in my opinion. You are trying to heal from benzos and you dr is encouraging you to take Ambien?


In my opinion you run the risk of kindling if you take Ambien intermittently. Balcofen acts on the B subunit of the GABA receptors and has a w/d profile similar to benzos.


You have only been off benzos since last Dec. Rebound insomnia is very common while healing from benzos. Benzos prevent REM sleep. It takes time for sleep to restore itself. Sometimes a lot of time.


You said you are concerned that taking Ambien occasionally is not a good idea. There is a reason why you have those concerns. Maybe post in the Insomnia section for some feedback re non drug ways to cope with the temporary recovery related insomnia?

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Listen to mandala she's right. When you get off that stuff you just have to go through that transition period. The brain just has to learn how to sleep again without it. Taking that stuff in my opinion will just prolong it. You have to break the cycle. Not sleeping is so hard on us, and I feel for you, because I suffered for years until I figured it out, and stopped all medication. It took a while but it was worth it. When I wright my success story my number one piece of advice will be to stay completely off all that kind of medication. Hope you get to feeling better.



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