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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Benzo Half/Full Life & Withdrawal Timing


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I only took Ativan 6 times and Klonopin 2 times in the last 30days (have never taken benzo's before) and have had terrible withdrawal symptoms for the last 3 wks. Have been told several times not to get back on them & taper down but continue cold turkey.....but I have a question on how long withdrawal could last (I know, I know... its dependent on dose/drug/length/individual). Benzosupport.org says the following:


Klonopin's longest half-life number, which is 50 hours...that would be 50hours x 5 doses = 250 hours = 10.42 days


So is it fair to say 10days to hit half life. If so, I have heard that full life takes 4-5x the half life, so that would be 40-50 days. Is this a fair analysis? Could someone use this rough formula to gauge est withdrawal timing?

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