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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

What happens if I taper without a "helper" drug?


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I am 70 years young and have been taking Klonopin on and off for 8 years, given in hospital for mild seizure activity; have been on it steadily for past 2 years and seemed to be doing fine at a low dose, then suddenly I hit tolerance and have suffered like crazy since July of this year. I would really like to get completely off but there are no doctors nearby who can help, (they just say well, quit taking it) so I have been tapering as best I can on my own w/o a substitute drug. Am down to .125 of a .5mg pill. Question is: If I cut the pill to 1/6 and then to 1/8, which I can do with a knife (I've tried it) will the w/drawal symptoms I am experiencing now continue throughout my taper, meaning in say, 6 months, if I cut to 1/6 will the awful w/drawal symptoms start up all over again???? I am only now, in November, starting to have a few good days since I hit tolerance in July. I can't decide if I should just stay on this awful drug, or keep trying to get off on my own. If I do continue with the taper does that mean I will get all the w/drawal hell over with in one fell swoop? Except for those times when some symptoms recur on their own as I understand they can do. This summer, I've been through migraine headaches, pins and needles in my toes and fingers, crickets constantly chripping in my ears, dizziness, insomnia and the worst of all for me, MAJOR rapid heart rate that sometimes goes on all night long, thus preventing sleep. I do fear that at my age, my heart is being damaged. For now, I still cannot watch the telly, read for very long, or talk on the phone for more than a quarter hour without feeling "something" in my head tightening up and knots forming in my stomach. I am not a shy person and have never suffered panic attacks. I would just like to be able to resume reading and watching the TV. Being on the computer is also a problem. Like now, best quit, been here too long already. Please, can anyone tell me what to expect if I go ahead and keep tapering 'til I am completely off???? Sorry this is so long.
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Hi KitCat :hug: Welcome to Benzobuddies


Firstly, you mention having had some seizure activity, seizures can be dangerous.  I would suggest  that you  see a neurologist before beginning a taper, and you should remain under his/her care throughout.  I will leave you some taper information:


Are you familiar with the  Ashton Manual , it is an excellent resource for information about these medications and gives a lot of information about withdrawal/tapering.  Here is a link to the manual: Ashton Manual


A slow taper can help minimize withdrawal effects.  It is generally recommended to taper no more than 5-10% every 10-14 days.  This is a guideline and it is ok to adjust this schedule for  your own comfort.



Here are some links you might want to check out:


Withdrawal Support


General Taper Plans


If you would be so kind as to add a signature (history of meds/doses etc) it will help members give you relevant advice this link will show you how to”Create a signature”


Take care




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