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Vistaril help!


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I have been taking vistaril as i had read on her it can help.  the 50 mg didn't do anything but i was feeling really anxious and have to work for a while so i took 100 and i feel sedated somewhat.  who takes vistaril for anxiety or panic?  How much do you take?  Does it work for you?  Thanks



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I have taken 100 and it has calmed things. It never healped me sleep.  I think as drugs go its a fairly safe one.  I believe vistiril (hydroxizine as i know it) is the active ingrediant for one of the otc allergy meds, zyrtec maybe?
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It's not in zertec and I don't think it's in anything otc. I've taken  up to 50mg and never noticed much from it, diphenhydramine works better for sleep for me. 
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Before making definitive statements, please do your research. Certirazine is a metabolite in hydroxizine/vistaril which is the active ingrediant in zyrtec. 



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You're really  going to bust my balls  for not knowing  freaking  metabolites in allergy meds. Like it or not if someone looked up the active ingredient in zertec (which I did before posting) it would show up as  cetirizine  now why would I or anyone else BASED ON YOUR POST AT THE TIME waste any more time  further researching zyrtec when they are looking for hydroxyzine?  Did you mention that it was a metabolite? No you did not.


Cetirizine is considered a low to non sedating antihistamine with a typical once daily dose of 5-10mg. Hydroxyzine  is used as a  sedative  for anxiety, sleep,  etc with doses typically in the  25-100mg 1-4 times per day. So tell me...with the OP looking for anxiety/panic help or even sleep do you think  your zyrtec would  be helpful?


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You're really  going to bust my balls  for not knowing  freaking  metabolites in allergy meds. Like it or not if someone looked up the active ingredient in zertec (which I did before posting) it would show up as  cetirizine  now why would I or anyone else BASED ON YOUR POST AT THE TIME waste any more time  further researching zyrtec when they are looking for hydroxyzine?  Did you mention that it was a metabolite? No you did not.


Cetirizine is considered a low to non sedating antihistamine with a typical once daily dose of 5-10mg. Hydroxyzine  is used as a  sedative  for anxiety, sleep,  etc with doses typically in the  25-100mg 1-4 times per day. So tell me...with the OP looking for anxiety/panic help or even sleep do you think  your zyrtec would  be helpful?

I was simply trying to say that as drugs go it appears to be well tolerated and relatively safe. That the active metabolite is in an OTC which also means it's probably relatively safe.  THAT was my point all along.  You made a statement that wasn't true and I said so.  If you feel the need to be a dick about it go for it.

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You're really  going to bust my balls  for not knowing  freaking  metabolites in allergy meds. Like it or not if someone looked up the active ingredient in zertec (which I did before posting) it would show up as  cetirizine  now why would I or anyone else BASED ON YOUR POST AT THE TIME waste any more time  further researching zyrtec when they are looking for hydroxyzine?  Did you mention that it was a metabolite? No you did not.


Cetirizine is considered a low to non sedating antihistamine with a typical once daily dose of 5-10mg. Hydroxyzine  is used as a  sedative  for anxiety, sleep,  etc with doses typically in the  25-100mg 1-4 times per day. So tell me...with the OP looking for anxiety/panic help or even sleep do you think  your zyrtec would  be helpful?

I was simply trying to say that as drugs go it appears to be well tolerated and relatively safe. That the active metabolite is in an OTC which also means it's probably relatively safe.  THAT was my point all along.  You made a statement that wasn't true and I said so.  If you feel the need to be a dick about it go for it.



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You're really  going to bust my balls  for not knowing  freaking  metabolites in allergy meds. Like it or not if someone looked up the active ingredient in zertec (which I did before posting) it would show up as  cetirizine  now why would I or anyone else BASED ON YOUR POST AT THE TIME waste any more time  further researching zyrtec when they are looking for hydroxyzine?  Did you mention that it was a metabolite? No you did not.


Cetirizine is considered a low to non sedating antihistamine with a typical once daily dose of 5-10mg. Hydroxyzine  is used as a  sedative  for anxiety, sleep,  etc with doses typically in the  25-100mg 1-4 times per day. So tell me...with the OP looking for anxiety/panic help or even sleep do you think  your zyrtec would  be helpful?

I was simply trying to say that as drugs go it appears to be well tolerated and relatively safe. That the active metabolite is in an OTC which also means it's probably relatively safe.  THAT was my point all along.  You made a statement that wasn't true and I said so.  If you feel the need to be a dick about it go for it.


The OP wasn't  asking whether or not it was safe but rather who takes it for anxiety/panic,  at what dose and if it works for them. Even though cetirizine is a major metabolite of hydroxyzine does not make it the same drug so I wasn't wrong. You are not going to get hydroxyzine effects from taking  cetirizine. I don't doubt that you were trying to be helpful  but your  post was  vague and probably left thunderdan more confused than anything else.

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I take Vistaril at night, 100 mg. I helps me sleep just a little. I do believe it helps with the anxiety too, because I tried to dc it twice and ran into trouble. I'm staying on it for now, I do think it helps.

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thunder it probably works differently for different people. Helpful, right? I took it at 25 mgs for anxiety and it made me so sleepy I had to go to bed. So . . . I didn't pursue it. But it might b a good sleeping pill lol.



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