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Shifted sleep time..


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Anyone deal with altered sleep time.  I can sleep okay but I don't get tired till 7 am.  My cortisol levels are settling down but how do I get my body to feel tired earlier.  I've tried melatonin but it doesnt work.  Will this correct itself once i heal?
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I know in early withdrawal I slept whenever I could. Now that I am 11 months out I go to sleep at almost the same time every night and wake up around the same time as well. It was almost impossible to plan anything on early withdrawal because I never knew when I would be sleeping. I think that your sleep will get much more routine when you are further in your recovery.
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hii castillo ,


nice name i like to cook & eat mexican food often today i had aroz con pollo ! and donuts for dessert im trying to eat less sugar sugar is a bad stimulant when having benzo withdrawals , have you ever drank manzanila (chamomlle) tea that works wonders to relax me in the evening. a dr i see gives me citalopram thats generic celexa i read it thuroughly i decided not to take it how long ago did you stop taking celexa ?


this helps me for sleeping a lil better i wear sunglasses indoors amber lens glasses work best for me from the $1 dollar tree, being exposed to excess lights in the evenings makes our body not adjust to sleep . are you taking any vitamins ?? a vitamin deficientcy can be the cuase for insomnia too . i have some melatonin from walgreens that kind seems to work better than melatonin i got from dollar general before the walgreens stuff is a lil too strong for me 10mg i break them in half the walgreens melatonin is better since it has b6 added to prolong sleep

i also try to avoid smoking after 9 pm and in the past when i had caffine i avoided that after 8 pm or so

i hope this helps you , nice to meet you


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That's a relief to hear.  I've been so out of sync with everyone.  My whole family gets up early and sleeps early.  I feel like an odd one out during my waking hours.
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hii castillo ,


nice name i like to cook & eat mexican food often today i had aroz con pollo ! and donuts for dessert im trying to eat less sugar sugar is a bad stimulant when having benzo withdrawals , have you ever drank manzanila (chamomlle) tea that works wonders to relax me in the evening. a dr i see gives me citalopram thats generic celexa i read it thuroughly i decided not to take it how long ago did you stop taking celexa ?


this helps me for sleeping a lil better i wear sunglasses indoors amber lens glasses work best for me from the $1 dollar tree, being exposed to excess lights in the evenings makes our body not adjust to sleep . are you taking any vitamins ?? a vitamin deficientcy can be the cuase for insomnia too . i have some melatonin from walgreens that kind seems to work better than melatonin i got from dollar general before the walgreens stuff is a lil too strong for me 10mg i break them in half the walgreens melatonin is better since it has b6 added to prolong sleep

i also try to avoid smoking after 9 pm and in the past when i had caffine i avoided that after 8 pm or so

i hope this helps you , nice to meet you


Sorry I missed this message!  I must have missed it cause I was trying to post at the same time.  >:D Donuts! Name of my nemesis.  :sick:  That's what I'll look like after a donut lolll.  I have not tried chamomile tea but have heard many great things about it.  I don't remember whether it will hinder the GABA healing process.  I have taken Celexa for about 10 years and took 2 years to taper and was finally done on January of this year.  Woot Woot!!!  So as of right now, i can't tell whether I'm suffering from celexa withdrawal, benzo withdrawal or Lyme disease.  I think God has a funny way of playing jokes on me lol.  I was on benzos for such a short period that it's got to be a combination that is keeping me where i am.


The amber sunglasses are such a genius idea!! Why did I never think of that!  I turn off the lights and I'm afraid I'll trip if I need to get up and get something.  I can't explain it.  I have an odd energy at night and all I can think about is fulfilling most of my chores.  Of course, I never get to doing any of it but the energy is there nonetheless.

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At 10 mos. out I'm still dealing with insomnia. I'm hyper at night, maybe doze off for a few hours around 6 or 7 am.  I usually go for a walk after dinner, not too late, don't eat late, etc. I follow a routine and go to bed at the same time, to no avail. I've read that our cortisol gets messed up and releases at night when it should be decreasing, and decreases in the a.m., when it should be increasing, as our "wake-up call." It will sort out eventually. If I weren't retired, there is no way I could function at a job on 3-4 hrs. of sleep per night!
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