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3 day window-cut tomorrow but wave today??


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Hi Buddies. My last cut was bad but I actually felt good the last 3 days! I am due to cut tomorrow.....and today I feel like I've been hit with some of my withdrawl symptoms again. I want to keep on schedule as this wave may be gone by tonight, or last 10 days. Just want some encouragement from my Buddies that have felt stable and then seemed to crash a bit the day before their next cut.


Thanks for your support.

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Hmm, guess I should have added SEX in my subject post. Seems like many of you would have at least read my post. OH well, I'll tackle this on my own and try not to plug up the board with trivial posts.


I'll post when I'm done my taper, good luck to everyone.

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There doesnt seem to be any consistency about any of this. I can feel decent for a day or two and then wham back down again. Its the ups and downs that are really hard becsuse you get your hopes up and then youre disappointed. Just know you are not alone, and according to people who have healed, this will be a distant memory some day. Feel better.
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Hmm, guess I should have added SEX in my subject post. Seems like many of you would have at least read my post. OH well, I'll tackle this on my own and try not to plug up the board with trivial posts.


I'll post when I'm done my taper, good luck to everyone.


Your first post is not "trival" in any way. Sometimes the boards are slow. I know that happened to me when I first joined.  I am just reading this for my first time. I personally don't have any firsthand knowledge of tapering. I stopped cold turkey. However, if it was me I would probably hold for a few days and then do a 5 percent cut. I don't know what kind of symptoms you are having now, but some are to be expected between cuts. Please don't wait to post until you are done with your taper. We care how you feel. :smitten:

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Ruger, i thought i was doing real good till today as i got slammed after 2 months of just anxiety in my taper so now i holding at where i am for a bit as i really believe my Doc has no idea what the right dose is involving Klonopin to Valium is feel like i am lost here and not getting alot of help!This sucks ! Hang tough !
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I know its hard to pause if you're keen to be rid of the poisons, but it looks like that's what your body is telling you to do. Pause until you feel better. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to these windows and waves. I am 10 days since cutting and just rose from a sleepless night which we all know sets us up for the day :(.


But I'd agree with benzo's are cruel, pause for a few days then cut only 5%

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From the little bit i have taken from reading info on the boards is you do get slamed out of the blue during tapers and at times i guess holding is all you can do ? So i am on hold for awhile but so badly want this poison out of me ! Some say getting slammed is healing well not so sure on that one !
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Thanks for the replies  :)  Went down to 1.5mg today, so I have eliminated half of my dose!!!! Feeling some anxiety and tremors, use to it and know it will pass. I'll probably start making smaller cuts in two weeks as they have been 0.125mg per cut. Thanks for all the support and please keep believing  :)
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