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Question about taper


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Hello all,


I've been tapering for the past month off of .5mg of xanax  taken at night dropping the dose by .0625 mg every 7 to 10 days just fine.


Currently I am at .3125mg and I tried to drop to .25mg last night. I was having a rough time sleeping so I decided to take the other .0625mg 3 hours after the .25 because I needed to sleep well for today. That didn't help and I panicked thinking I wouldn't sleep so I took another .25 mg bringing my dose last night to .56mg.


My question is can I safely go back to .3125 tonight without expecting any sort of sleep difficulties or will I have to taper down again. It was only one night I went over my dose and I'll try my best to not do that again.



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You can safely go back to .3125, but there are no guarantees about sleep.  Sleep is often an issue during tapering/withdrawal.  It's best to relax (i.e. don't stress or panic) whether you sleep or not.  Stressing will only make your sleep worse.  Even if you only get 2-3 hours of sleep, you should be functional (enough) to get through the next day.  You may not feel as great, but you will get through it.  I worked throughout my withdrawal - often on 0-3 hours of sleep.  I survived.
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