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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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I've been off clonazepam for two months but have been suffering with withdrawal symptoms since. Which I'm told are natural and will ease.

However the doc I'm seeing has given me chlorpromazine to take instead as it's less addictive to my body. He said to take clonazepam if needed but I'm not going down that route as I've been off it two months. No point.

I just wanted to know if there was anyone who had taken chlorpromazine before and if thur had to withdraw from that to and if withdrawal was bad?

I've told the doc it helps me sleep but makes me more anxious in the day so not really working for me.

I told venlafaxine as a anti depressant but I wanted to know about chlorpromazine.


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Chlorpromazine is Thorazine. Its a very powerful drug with some serious side effects. I would suggest you read about it on Wikpedia.

I do know one other person here who takes it for withdrawal. It helps her sleep, but she wants to get off it as soon as possible because of the side effects. I personally think its better to tough withdrawal out and not rely on new drugs to help. ALL drugs have potential problems, all of them. But I do understand the desire to feel better. Definitly, don't take any more clonazepam.



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Cheers. I'm not going back on clonazepam. Annoyed at doc for telling me to take it when I feel I need to. He says I have control oer coming off it and isn't concerned that I'd take it long term again bit I told him I don't want to go back on it even if for a day. I've Been off it two months which he knows and said well done as I did it of my own afford but still mentions taking it as and when cos I'm in control and not using it for sake of it.

He told me to take chlorpromazine for another two days and see how I go bit at min I don't feel I need to and it was only to tide me over for a week or two. It's been three weeks nearly and to be honest hasn't made a difference. If at all made me feel worse!

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Good for you, standing up to your doctor! And for listening to your body and going by how it feels. You're going to do just fine, Mentorme. Sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders.



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Chlorpromazine is Thorazine. Its a very powerful drug with some serious side effects. I would suggest you read about it on Wikpedia.

I do know one other person here who takes it for withdrawal. It helps her sleep, but she wants to get off it as soon as possible because of the side effects. I personally think its better to tough withdrawal out and not rely on new drugs to help. ALL drugs have potential problems, all of them. But I do understand the desire to feel better. Definitly, don't take any more clonazepam.




I thought Thorazine was thrown into the garbage years ago. My brother took it once many decades ago and all it did was making him a walking zombie. He stopped it by himself four days later and has be fine ever since. Yikes! What a nasty drug. :smitten: Bets

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