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stomach symptoms


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Anyone found anything that helps with this.  It's been my worse symptom this week horrible upset stomach lump in throat, gas, burping, very painful belly.  Anyone found anything that helps at all???


Thank you, MJ

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I used famotidine (Pepcid) or ranitidine (Zantac) or plain old tums. They did help, and they aren't prescription meds.

I also drank ginger ale because ginger seems to help upset tummies.



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when i was in w/d this was one of my everyday symptoms. I likened the sound and pain in the pit of my gut,  to that of a pair of sneakers being tossed about in a clothes dryer. It fit how I felt.

I did many of the above to ease the pain. I also had plenty of Canada dry with real ginger in the pantry. Drinking it warm through out the day seemed to make the symptoms bearable. Such a tough time in your recovery! You will get better and this too will pass. 


wow..miss Jen, I just noticed you are 8 months benzo free. Good for you!

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Monique?  Which Probiotics?  I have Culturelle here I am tempted to try.




moto joe


I was given some by a nautropath.  I don't remember the name but the ones I used had digestive enzymes and probiotics in one.  I was told to use the kind that has to be kept in refrigerator. 

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I second the Kefir - I started drinking that and after a few days I notice a HUGE improvement!  I can tell when I stop drinking it though...
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