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What are windows like?


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I would like to hear from you to tell me about your experiences with windows so I know what they are like. I have been in a wave for so long I am not sure what they are like. I believe I had a window this morning.
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For me, having a window is a span of time when I feel completely normal and like my old confidant, clear minded, happy self.  I can drink a cup of coffee and feel normal.  I can read through text books, mingle at parties, go to the mall, and play a game with everything coming naturally.  You just know when you can see clearly without all the buzzing of static in your mind and body.  It comes and goes for me day to day and I am so happy to feel my true self come out each time that it does.  We will all get there slowly and with patience.  I wish you the best of luck on your journey.  Have faith in your inner strength.   


It is difficult, but will be worth it in the end when we are finally healed.  ;)

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Windows are feeling significantly better than your 'baseline' for some period of time.  It might last for minutes or hours or even days.  The window that I seem to remember the most occurred during a bike ride.  I was out doing a 20 mile ride with my older daughter and riding pretty slowly (which is how I rode during much of my withdrawal).  Then all of a sudden, I began to feel really good/strong.  I began riding faster and faster and felt much like my old self.  After a few miles, reality set back in and I slowed back down.  But for 15-20 minutes, I felt good.  It was a sign of things to come.
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You feel good and be able to support any situation.


Sometimes lasted a few seconds and minutes and days  :thumbsup:


Then it is clear that the situations of life (benzo benzo or not benzo), you have special days ... but it's normal ...


e.g. For as I see it the problems of family, health, work,  health, money ... if I were them would face them more serenely ... this is also a window  :)



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