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I think I had a window.


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I think I had a window this morning. I woke up early 930 that's the second day in a row I've gotten up early. The window I think I had allowed me to have some sense of peace and wonderment it lasted for maybe two hours.


I transitioned out of it.


So it's hard now for me to recall who it was light.



May I please hear from some of you and tell me what your windows are like so I can see if I can identify with them?

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I had a window today! It was like I briefly became myself for an hour. It was magical. I was 95% healed in that moment. There was just something off and I couldn't pinpoint it. I felt no fear, no sadness, I was happy. I cried tears of joy because this morning I was so upset. While in the window I couldn't remember what withdrawal felt like. In the same light, now that it is over, I feel the same way about a window.
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I had the exact same experience as Orionbash, when I was in my first 2 hour window I cried tears of joy. I was rocking out to some upbeat music. I had ZERO cares or worries. I was just ME. dolphins did you get that book yet my friend?
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i am so happy for you!!! what i have noticed is my windows keep getting better and better...then i hit a wave and then another window.  i don't care if i hit another wave now because  the windows are getting better than the last windows. its weird. I'm feeling better and better. my dreams are beautiful now. I'm excited cuz i never thought i would start feeling this good in a window.....im motivated to heal now. before i couldnt see any results from getting off these pills. now i can. i can breath now and finish this off. take a deep breathe my friends. you can do this. it is worth it. lets all get through this together. our outlook on life will be beautiful!!!  :) :) :)
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