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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

My theory on why benzo w/d recovery varies from person to person


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I have a theory, another one. I would like to share with you beautiful people. I believe that coming off of benzo's exposes us to our worst fears. These drugs are POWERFUL tranquilizers they TURN OFF very REAL fears that you manifest over the days weeks months years that you have been taking them. They block the fears out. Kind of like a barrier between you and that fear. Once they leave your system guess who pops up and says hi? Your fears, your worst fears. I think some people have a harder time dealing with their fears because they refuse to take action to confront them. Instead they hide away hoping time will heal them eventually. Hoping that they will get back to the old self with no effort. I think that when we come off of this crap we are FORCED to FIGHT our fears. We either win the battle or we are stuck in a maze.
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I think there is some validity to your theory - at least with regard to emotional/mental stuff.  Maybe not so much for the physical stuff.
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My 'fears' pretty much dissipated when I was benzo-free but as with most things, our experiences are going to be different for a myriad of reasons.



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With me it was not having the enzymes to metabolize benzos. I was symptomatic from the get go. Unfortunately, my doctor was unaware that this could happen and told me to take more.  :crazy::idiot:
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I never experienced a panic attack and n my life, I was put on valium for sleep, why idfk and as cautiious as I usually am I never researched benzos,,so I'm wondering to see what is going to come out when I taper..
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