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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

A setback...


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Well, it was inevitable that some of the nastier symptoms would return. Besides, I'm only 12 days out. I had a respite for a few days, but the depression and tingling came back....which of course triggers anxiety and hypochondria. Still, none of these symptoms seem to be worsening. It's still an improvement from where I was 3 weeks ago, but I suppose I'm impatient. And when impatience meets w/d, you get a pile-up at that intersection. I have been going out just about every day. I'm going to start biking, although I don't know how far I'll get with my current physical condition.However, I can't give in to this mess. I wind up crying on the couch for hours only to find that I'm making things worse by doing so. I don't care if I wind up in the hospital...I'm going to bike this out of my system. It beats staring at the walls.


Discouraged....yes. I would be lying if I said no. But what else am I going to do? Lay down and die? I think not.

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hello ,

i quit taking 0.0625mg of xanax 7 weeks ago, i felt my wost my first 2 weeks

i was activating & exercising alot , i felt worst during the evenings around 6-9pm so thats when i used my treadmill i felt so bad some days i had to use the treadmill with my eyes closed when i started. after 5 minutes i felt well enough to open my eyes i contnued another 5 -15 minutes just walking on there . when my health improved more i started jogging / running on it it feels great . you can try just going on a 5 minute walk that helped me alot i hope this helps you god bless you i wish you speedy recovery,


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Jabba and Baby Angel...


Thank you for your responses. I have indeed been going for walks and found that it is of great help. If this infernal burning/tingling would just leave me alone, I'd be far better equipped to deal with the psychological aspect of withdrawal. However, the consensus seems to be that this could linger for quite some time and is usually the last on the list of symptoms to go away. So be it. Keeping an optimistic attitude...so many others are in way worse shape than I am. I feel guilty for complaining....not that guilty, though. Venting is healthy.


Once again, thanks and all the best to you both.



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hi again, are you taking any vitamins ? i seem to feel beter taking some magnesium & b vitamins , just keeping my mind occupied/distracted is a good help . have you ever drank some chamomille tea ? that relaxes me melatonin  helps me sleep i had trouble sleeping when i quit xanax the best melatonin i found was from walgreens it has vitamin b6 added to it that prolongs sleep.i take only 1/4 of the 10mg tablet .  another tip you probaby feel sensitive to lights i wore sunglasses indoors glasses with amber colored lenses i got from the $1 dollar tree work better than black lens sunglasses , that can improve sleep too since being exposed to excess light in the evening keeps our body from adjusting to sleep. try to drink a cup of milk each day thats important if your taking vitamins it helps the body disperse the vitamins / nutrients you take .


i was unsuccessfull quitting xanax before on my 6th day i felt severe tinnittus it sounded like a dentist drill buzzin in my head that scared the s**t out of me so i gave in took a xanax . this time i quit i was better prepared taking more vitamins another very good thing to take is eat a small piece of parsley it can help heal the nervous system Source : http://www.care2.com/greenliving/7-surprising-health-benefits-of-parsley.html


in the evening after i exercise i love to take a long bath i first shower then i fill the bathtub with hot tub temperature water, i lay in there with my eyes closed and the light partially off for 20-30 minutes after the bath i put a few drops of lavander oil on my neck thats great aroma therapy to relax i also drink half a gallon of water a day , try to limit yourself on sugar , sugar along with smoking is a bad stimulant for the brain and can prolong the healing process that was hard for me to give up i like to eat 2-3  donuts for breakfast sometimes i had to stop that :(


Im sorry this is a long letter to read i just wanted to be as thurough as possible to help you as best as possible . your cute in your picture btw,  nice meeting you





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hi again, are you taking any vitamins ? i seem to feel beter taking some magnesium & b vitamins , just keeping my mind occupied/distracted is a good help . have you ever drank some chamomille tea ? that relaxes me melatonin  helps me sleep i had trouble sleeping when i quit xanax the best melatonin i found was from walgreens it has vitamin b6 added to it that prolongs sleep.i take only 1/4 of the 10mg tablet .  another tip you probaby feel sensitive to lights i wore sunglasses indoors glasses with amber colored lenses i got from the $1 dollar tree work better than black lens sunglasses , that can improve sleep too since being exposed to excess light in the evening keeps our body from adjusting to sleep. try to drink a cup of milk each day thats important if your taking vitamins it helps the body disperse the vitamins / nutrients you take .


i was unsuccessfull quitting xanax before on my 6th day i felt severe tinnittus it sounded like a dentist drill buzzin in my head that scared the s**t out of me so i gave in took a xanax . this time i quit i was better prepared taking more vitamins another very good thing to take is eat a small piece of parsley it can help heal the nervous system Source : http://www.care2.com/greenliving/7-surprising-health-benefits-of-parsley.html


in the evening after i exercise i love to take a long bath i first shower then i fill the bathtub with hot tub temperature water, i lay in there with my eyes closed and the light partially off for 20-30 minutes after the bath i put a few drops of lavander oil on my neck thats great aroma therapy to relax i also drink half a gallon of water a day , try to limit yourself on sugar , sugar along with smoking is a bad stimulant for the brain and can prolong the healing process that was hard for me to give up i like to eat 2-3  donuts for breakfast sometimes i had to stop that :(


Im sorry this is a long letter to read i just wanted to be as thurough as possible to help you as best as possible . your cute in your picture btw,  nice meeting you



I love useful information. For starters, I am actually not experiencing any light or sound sensitivities. I get intermittent low-level tinnitus, but it goes away rather quickly. I drink plenty of green tea, decaf. I was doing that before this mess. I have generally been laying off the sugars and the carbs, but one night I got incredibly hungry and at half a bag of almond joys. I learned my lesson when I didn't sleep that night. I do indeed take vitamins...liquid Vitamin D, one Centrum multivitamin, and 1 250mg tablet of magnesium. I drink a couple of glasses of Ovaltine a day...that's how I get the rest of my magnesium. I get additional B's through turkey and chicken sandwiches.(so many vegans and vegetarains are B deficient) As much as I'd like to go vegetarian, I experienced too much muscle loss and I need my protein...and no, I don't tolerate soy products, so veggie-burgers don't cut it for me.


I drink lots of water and fortunately, I love V8 vegetable juice...so I get my fiber and extra veggie servings from that. One thing that hasn't been affected is my appetite, nor do I have any GI issues. As a matter of fact, and I appologize in advance for this, but since getting off the benzos, I've been more regular than I've ever been. And that's a really good thing. Also, I experienced dry mouth, so I have cough drops with melatonin in them.


Except for last night, I have been getting decent sleep. The dreams stopped being so vivid and I actually feel rested upon awakening. My problem lies with the physical symptoms triggering emotional distress. Sometimes I'll go for hours with no unpleasant skin sensations then the slightest prickle or burn sends me into a tailspin. However, I am slowly learning to cope with this and practicing the whole cognitive behavior skill sets that I've taught myself. It doesn't always work, but it seems to limit the extent of my anxiety.


And a good, hot shower always calms me down and soothes my aching back...which is the reason benzos entered the picture to begin with. Had I known then what I known now, I just would have bought a back massager.


Thanks for the compliment on the pic(girls never call me cute! lol)...I intend to preserve any youth I have left in my bones...but this experience will age you some.


It was a pleasure meeting you as well. I will check in from time to time. I say this with hesitation because I don't want to offend ANYONE, but I try not to hang around the forum too much. Some of the horror stories are a bit too much for me to bear, and in my weakened mental state, it's easy to project other people experiences onto my own...which in turn sets of more anxiety. I hate to sound like a hit-and-run kinda person who only asks for help but doesn't return it in kind, but I'm a bit of a hypochondriac these days and my self-defense mechanisms kick in. Having said that, when I am fully healed, I will return to offer as much insight and support as I can to those who are hurting. I just can't get there if I'm scaring the crap out of myself all the time.


You are welcome to PM me whenever. I'll give updates. You have been a great help and a doll. All the best to you!



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